
Well Known Member
........I'll see your 33 and raise to all in. Isn't that how your Texas Hold'em is played? :D





I Win!!!!
OK, you win this round. :(

How about the 'I got closer' game?

My entry (from a non-RV):


[ed. Just off the grass runway. dr]
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Clear For Deer

Reminds me of a time when a friend borrowed his boss's Super Cub and took it up to a tiny, narrow mountain-top airstrip, where he made a few take-offs and landings. On one take-off roll a deer ran out, and to avoid hitting the deer my friend put the Cub into the trees.

The insurance company was not too inclined to believe the story at first. But about a week or so later, another pilot somewhere else hit a bear on his take-off roll. Killed them all, the pilot, the bear and the airplane. At that point the insurance company paid up and thanked my friend for limiting the damage as much as he had.

Now before starting the engine, my friend calls "Clear for deer?"

Y'all be careful out there.

About four years ago... I was standing by a wreck. The insurance adjuster said you shoulda hit the deer. The highway patrol officer said, no... the pine tree was the better choice. The SO officer said... yup... it's totaled. I took it in the shorts... either way. No hull coverage.
Close is easy.....

.........The harrassing wildlife charge would be expensive. Not good to stress the animals this time of year either. There is a lot of winter yet that they need their energy for. If you run an animal, it's (hormone) stress levels are elevated for hours.

[ed. I wouldn't say I was 'close', just to be clear. Here is one of the originals...non-zoomed. One pass. The 'real close' deer shown earlier was just off the grass runway. dr]

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