
Well Known Member
Fellow builders and friends,
My dad, Doug Bell Sr. passed away on July 4th.
Many of you knew dad from a few visits to Oshkosh or met him simply from email replies. So many of you never knew him, but you all inspired him, kept him young thinking about these RV's and many of you have become customers of his tail wheel fork.

Dad was 85 yrs young and loved flying. He loved his family. He loved his wife Mary and they just had celebrated a 65th wedding anniversary.

Dad built an Acro Sport after owning a C-140 and a Piper Cherokee. He won a bronze Lindy at Oshkosh with it and played in the sky's over his current hometown of Cadillac, MI for so many years. Originally from Ontario, he was a proud Canadian too and worked on the famous Avro Arrow as a young apprentice learning his trade.

In 1999 we began the process of building an 8. It was a great 6 years and we got to know each other better than we had to that point. I wish it was still ongoing...Mom and by brother Mike were always there to lend a third or fourth hand when needed.

I attended Oshkosh as a kid with Dad all through the 70's. I flew the 8 in with Dad in the back in 2008 and we had a great last trip to Osh together. Heat and his legs did him in.
I'll remember the cold beers at the corner bar with him while staying in the dorms and the ice cream melting too fast on thise wicked hot Osh Days. So many good memories.

The Tail Wheel Fork's were never meant to be a business and he was always amazed when we received orders from all over the world. He looked at it more as helping other builders and flyers....It kept him young and thinking ahead instead of at his declining health.

His last day in his shop he was inventorying a new batch of 100 forks we had just got in. He and Mom were cleaning them up and organizing them.

Mom, my brother Mike and I will continue with this batch of 100 more forks and see where it goes from there.

To Doug, Danny, Bill, Kevin, Sam and so many others, thanks for keeping a flyers spirits up. Until his eyes gave out on him a year ago, Dad enjoyed reading the forums and seeing what news was on the front page each night before bed.

Here are a few shots of a great guy.

Tailwinds Pops....tailwinds

Doug jr.
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Doug so sorry for your families loss.

I know you'll always cherish the great memories of him.
So sorry...


I'm sorry to hear about your Father's passing! Please give our best to your Mother!

It seems like just yesterday we were up there visiting you and your entire family, picking up the fork for our RV.

Your father was one of a kind and both Nora and I are saddened by the news.

You and your family are in our prayers.
I'm sad to learn that such a wonderful contributor to our community has passed. Condolences to you and your family.
Hi Doug,

Thanks for a great write up on your Dad. Condolences to you and your family. You have a wonderful way of noticing what a 'memory' really is.....very nice. It's the small things in life that really count.

Best to all of you.
Doug Bell Sr

Sorry for your loss. There are a lot of airplanes that carry a piece of your dad's spirit out there and I am glad to be flying with one of them. Your relayed stories of his enthusiasm in making his forks has been inspiring. I placed my order for his tailwheel fork before I called Vans to start my empennage. I remember waiting like it was a Christmas morning when mine arrived and I raced out to he hangar to install it.

Tailwinds indeed
Oh Doug I am so very sorry to hear that and truly feel for you and your family. We are only issued one set of parents and you sure got a good one. I got one of his art works in either late 2007 or early 2008. I will remember him & my fun correspondence every time I preflight my plane.

Warmest regards,
Mr. Bell will be missed


Your tribute to your father is a memorial not only to him but to the bonds he forged with you and the rest of your family over the course of a full lifetime. I wish I had personally known your dad, he was the type of individual I would have counted as a treasured friend.

I will think of your family every time I see your Dad's tailwheel fork on my plane and remember the kindness he directed toward our community.

May your wonderful memories bring you and your family comfort during this time of loss.
Just spoke to him on the phone in December when he called to apologize for taking so long to get some tailwheel bolt bushings to me. What a great guy! Best wishes to your family in this tough time.
Sorry for your loss

Hi Doug,

Just yesterday I was thankful for your Dad's great product when I accidentally dropped the tailwheel off the edge of the taxiway at Sunriver when turning into the crosswind for my run-up. My regards and condolences to your family and all his friends around the world.
Doug Bell, Sr.


We're all very sad to hear of your Dad's passing. What a great history you provided for all of us in a few short lines. I know my aviation life is a little better because of the Bell tailwheel fork, and will think of him each time that smile appears because of the excellent ground handling it provides. All the best to you and your family at this sad time.
Sorry to hear of your loss, Doug. I don't think there are many RV's around me that don't have your dad's fork. It was the first upgrade to my -6 when I bought it, and it has saved me twice when I've accidentally dropped the wheel off the edge of the world. I'd buy a second as a spare, just in case, but I can't imagine anything that could hurt the one I have. Good strong Canadian engineering, right there. :)
I extend my thoughts to your family during this difficult time. Like many others here, I have never met Doug Sr, but I fly with him almost every day. His tailwheel has been keeping me on the centerline (or nearly so) for almost 400 hours, and I greatly appreciate his work!

Rest in Peace, Doug Bell Sr.
Sorry for your loss Doug. While I wasn't fortunate enough to meet him, I'll be very proud for our RV-8 to one day fly with one of his forks - it was the first item I purchased for the project.

I'm so sorry that your Dad has passed away. You've got my sincere condolences. Hang in there.

The tail wheel fork he made for me is doing great. I'm sorry I missed my chance to tell him that in person.
A great man.

It's time to celebrate a great man's life!

We'll all reach the end of the road sooner or later, as my Dad did last year, at 88 years old. The Good Book promises us three score and ten years if we're faithful and your Dad received a big bonus of 15 years!

What a grand legacy he leaves behind!
I never met or knew your dad. But I've known the tailwheel with your family name. His creation is simple, unassuming, and does the job very very well without demanding attention. I believe it is a reflection of the man. He will be remembered by so many people, some he knew, all he touched.
It was a long time ago when I met you guys, I think at Sun N Fun. What a great person your dad was. My tailwheel will always be special.

Cherish the memories and know that we are all sorry for your loss

Just installed one of his works of art last spring, very pleased.
Condolences to the family... RIP
With sympathy

I am so glad to have your father's tail wheel fork on my (yet-to-fly) 7. It is a reminder of the wonderful people that we "meet" (if not in person) in the RV world! Thank you and your family for your contributions to flying.

Doug and family,
Sorry for the loss of your father. I envy the time and events you were able to share with your Dad. I lost my father before my "RV" time and would have loved to share in this great sport/life experiance with him. From your post and wonderful pictures, It appears you used your time wisely and and will cherish the time spent with your Dad! I love my "Bell" tailwheel fork and will think of your family with each preflight check! Thanks for letting us into your family with the forks and the wonderful memorial of thoughts and pictures of your DAD. May he rest in peace and always have blue skys!


My sincerest condolences. Sorry to hear about your dad. I'm flying with a memorial to him and have been since 2006.
Very sorry

I'm very sorry for your loss. That was a nice write up and obviously you guys shared many fond memories.
A life well lived

My sincere condolances on your father's passing.

Of course I have one of his tailwheel forks also and I think it is apt that just as your father takes the weight off his legs for the last time, his product is just about to bear the weight of my RV for the first time.

These planes are so much more than just 'things'. As I look at my aircraft taking shape , my eye falls on a long series of items that I will always associate with the people who made them, the people who thought up the mods and methods that I followed and the people who helped me fit them.

Your photos allow me to make a connection with you and your father and they make it much more real for me when I look at that tailwheel fork and remember the man who concieved it and put his life's accumulated skill into making it.

I think it is great that your father saw his forks as a service to our RV community. That certainly came across very strongly and he succeeded wonderfully in that mission.
Sorry for your loss, Doug. Actually, for OUR loss. As has been said, your dad will always be a part of many RVs.

I'm glad you posted some pics. It had been a few years since seeing him, so it jogged my memory a bit.

I remember when he first came out with the tailwheel forks. The design had the blessings of others (and the stock fork is kinda butt-ugly), so I ordered mine. However, I was far enough from actually needing one that others who were ready took precedence over my order -- but not without an e-mail from you guys checking to see if that was OK with me.

Eventually, I got the e-mail that said that he was sending mine whether I was ready or not, because he wasn't sure how many more he'd be making. The timing was perfect, and I can honestly say that I have never had an issue with the fork -- despite the times I've tested its endurance to the max with my hamfisted landings!

Savor the great memories of working on the plane with your dad, Doug, and for sharing them -- and him -- with the rest of us.
Sorry for your loss, Doug. Sure sounds like you and your dad had a great relationship and he will be missed.

When things settle down, how about posting a message on how to order one of the forks if the business will continue.
Sorry for your loss, Doug. I never met you or your dad, but I got your tailwheel fork month before I got my RV-8-kit. It was the first part of this marvelous adventure. He passed away, but he never will be forgotten. Condolences to you and your family.

Condolences to you and your family Doug. I admire his work every time I preflight my tail wheel area. THE BEST, the tailwheel fork and the Man.

Just look at the list of long-time VAF members who are expressing their feelings. Makes one proud to be a part of this community.
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Thank you Doug.

Thank you for sharing him with us Doug, sure appreciate his hobby every time I fly!

Doug, so sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. We met at Kelly's many years ago when we were both building.
Many thanks to all of your kind messages. It does reinforce this RV community we have.

I have been so busy at work the first half of this year, and preparing for a senior graduation at our home that I put the RV on the back burner and have not flown this year yet.

I took the wings off in December and took it home to update the radio and transponder and Dad and I worked out an issue with a brake line and fluid reservoir. He came over this winter about 6 times to "inspect" and have a coffee.

So my goal was to have it polished and back together for early July and off to Osh for a few days....Now it will be a slight rush but the polishing begins tonight and the reassembly.

Hope to be at Osh Mon/Tues if it works out.

Again....thanks for the kinds workds everyone. I know it will warm mom's heart when she gets a chance to sit and read them.


PS....Lars, Thanks for the picture Fix!
Quality Guy!

Doug, & Family,

There are no words for your loss. As you spoke earlier about the early request for tailwheels after the first was made, "where is this going"? It truely shows what your dad was about, "Quality".
People see that and want it! As many have purchased them I hope the tradition continues and puts food on the table. Your father will be a part of everyone that touched his work and fly them on their "Prides of Joy".

Gods Speed Doud Sr.

So Sorry

The Bell Family,
I only know Mr. Bell through my purchase of a tail fork and e-mail correspondence around that purchase and his extra service to me. But I got the sense that he was a true gentleman and a man of his word. You can't hope for more than that.
Doug, I am sorry to hear about you father. Although I have only spoken with him and your mother once, he does fly with me every time I go flying.......thanks to the Bell tail wheel fork.
Thanks again everyone

Thanks again to all who commented.
I made it to Osh for a one day trip Tuesday, over and back same day on a charter flight with a few others. I wondered through the RVs and was amazed at how many and how great they all look....
I met a dozen of you who were still near your planes and chatted about Dad and the tailwheel fork...great therapy to put a face with the names of customers.....
We will still be selling forks and a full post in the forums will follow.