John G

So, I have gotten as far as the left elevator without too much drama. However, I now have the tab on the elevator next to where the trim tab goes half bent, and I am having trouble keeping the bending block from moving. Van's instructions specify using double-sided tape to secure the block in place, but so far I have tried both the 3M permanent tape and the 3M removable tape, and neither has the grip to keep the block in place as it is first squeezed and then hammered.

I know that many people end up making extra ribs instead of bending the tabs, but I also know that at least some people have succeeded in bending the tabs. For those of you who succeeded, what type of tape did you use? Did you do anything else to make sure that the block stayed in place while you were bending the tab?

Thanks for the help.

Carpet tape and lots of pressure. Just did it a few weeks ago. No big deal.
I used double sided tape, (carpet tape? from my local hardware store anyway, nothing special or expensive!) plus the "other half" of the block on the outside, also double-side-taped in position and clamped the whole thing up to the edge of the bench. Drama-free procedure.
