
Active Member
I was dimpling a large skin for 3/32 dimples with my pneumatic squeezer.

I hit the trigger and the nipple wasn't in the hole, now I have what looks like a short eight as a hole. Any suggestions? This is much wider than an wallowed out hole which I would just use a 1/8 rivet, probably almost 6/32 x 3/32, thanks!
doctornigel said:
I was dimpling a large skin for 3/32 dimples with my pneumatic squeezer.

I hit the trigger and the nipple wasn't in the hole, now I have what looks like a short eight as a hole. Any suggestions? This is much wider than an wallowed out hole which I would just use a 1/8 rivet, probably almost 6/32 x 3/32, thanks!

Dimple the original hole as intended and install rivet. It'll probably be OK. For belt and suspenders reasons though add a couple of extra rivets either side of the problem hole and mid way between the next holes. It adds character and will be stronger than originally intended. You'll be the only one to know or notice - apart from everyone reading this forum (joking) - Onward!
Flatten both dimples and then dimple the original hole and rivet. Move on to the next holes and rivet. It will be fine and a little body filler will cover up the error. No need for extra rivets.
double dimple

As Norm said, flatten out extra hole...rivet intended hole. Mess up five dimples like that in a we're talking about a problem :eek:
build on! My .02 cents Canadian
Club - new member !

Welcome to the Club !
And the worst thing is that you were probably aware of this type of mistake and like me thought " I'm never going to do something as silly as that !"

Have you drilled into your finger yet as well ? At least going by your moniker you will know how to fix that !
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