
Well Known Member
Anyone out there have hanger space for my RV7A Saturday night 7/5 at SUE? I will be flying in early afternoon Saturday then leaving Sunday afternoon.


Richard and Sherri Glick
Slinger, WI
Not sure if you really need one. Weather around these parts is supposed to be severe beautiful this weekend.
Cherryland Weather


That's what it looks like, but with all the pop corn storms we've been having and the fact that my baby hasn't been outside overnight yet :( ... Probably just being over cautious.


I hear ya about the popcorn stuff. Just had a nice one at MNM this AM. That stuff is supposed to move outta hear this PM.

I had the same trepidation about parking at OSH last year. My 6A got rained on there. Just a right of passage I guess. No problems with a canopy cover.

Hope you have a good weekend in Door County.

Canopy Cover

And guess what just showed up in the mail from Abby (Flightline Interiors), my Canopy Cover:) She is great!

Flightline canopy cover

Abby's covers are the best! Just make sure you install it correctly. The two forward straps go around the main gear legs, not both under the nose.

Ask Darwin about this one if you get confused.
Canopy Cover


Makes sense, thanks! BTW, been meaning to get back to you but it has been nuts since the first flight. Up to 60 hours now and things have been really good with the plane. I appreciate all you did for me before my first flight. The inspection, the ride.........

Anyway, thanks.

See ya soon.
