
Well Known Member
Brian Hupe the Sales Manager for Garmin Avionics Experimental-LSA markets will be on hand to present the latest goodies from Garmin. He's a super knowledgeable guy and I always learn something when he visits.

I will be hosting this at my hangar Saturday, Sept 10 at Northwest Regional Airport 52F (home of VAF) from 9am till the last guy leaves. In addition to what Brian has in store we will also have multiple RV aircraft available with Garmin panels in them (or installations in work) so you can see what they look like installed and running. Demo rides possible if time allows.

I'll probably try to dig up a grill so we can have some lunch too, maybe even get my wife to help cook :D

There should be plenty of room on the ramp across from my hangar and the old Blue hangar Caf? to park. If you plan on staying overnight let me know and we may be able to squeeze you in the hangar.

I'd like to have a rough idea on how many to expect so I can be sure to have enough stuff for everyone, please shoot me an email (no PM's please) call, text or post below if you plan to attend, (RSVP is not required to attend).
The more the merrier!


If you would like a PDF of the above Flyer to post just shoot me an email.
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I'd love to fly down, and get my prop balanced! I'll have to watch the wx.

My focus for the day will be the avionics/seminar side of things so not sure I'll have enough time to do prop balances (not to mention it makes lots of noise).

I may offer "special pricing" on Transponder checks if you place an order for a G3X system (kidding) as that process is avionics related, doesn't take much time, and won't wake the dead :eek:
Dang. I will be in the area to pick up one of our Boeings coming out of heavy maintenance and repaint the week prior to this. Might be the one and only time I am hoping for a delay in getting something out of Mx.
Mark Your Calendar! Sat Sept 10

Update, Brian is going to have at least one of the Garmin 10" Touch Kiosks available to use, and the best part is it will be without the large crowds that always surround these things at Oshkosh.

Have question about ADS-B, we have the answers!

Don't miss this opportunity!

I am thinking about flying down for your seminar on the 10th. I have recently finished my g3x touch install. Can you describe a bit more what you plan to cover? I'm interested in learning more about in flight operation of my system and also more understanding of the install process, even though I think I am mostly done with that.

Is there a charge for the seminar?
Here is a link to a pic of my panel. I have since swapped the mini X for the G5



I am thinking about flying down for your seminar on the 10th. I have recently finished my g3x touch install. Can you describe a bit more what you plan to cover? I'm interested in learning more about in flight operation of my system and also more understanding of the install process, even though I think I am mostly done with that.

Is there a charge for the seminar?
Here is a link to a pic of my panel. I have since swapped the mini X for the G5


Sorry for the delayed response. I'll let Brian post what he plans to cover in his presentation but I can tell you he is quite knowledgeable and experienced with the G3X system so likely he/we can answer most of your questions.

There is NO CHARGE for the seminar and I expect to be a fun event, the only thing more fun than talking about avionics is actually using it!

G3X Touch presentation, demos, etc.

This seminar is rapidly approaching and I'm looking forward to getting a chance to meet you all. The presentation will cover a lot of ground:

  • What makes up a G3X Touch system?
  • G3X Touch features including some recent software updates
  • ADS-B solutions
  • G5 electronic flight instrument
  • User interface examples
  • ...

I'll plan to start the presentation at 9:00 AM and field any questions you all have. We'll have some kiosks for live demos (example below). G3X Touch system, audio panel, autopilot, GTN, GTR 200, G5, Aera 660...pretty complete representation of our lineup.


The seminar is scheduled to start at 9:00 AM and I"ll be there until people get all their questions answered, get bored or get hungry and leave.

Look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday, it's going to be a great time, I got the grill out and will have FREE (yes I said free) hotdogs and drinks available!
If you want some other kind of meat feel free to BYOS (bring your own steak) :D
Great Avionics Seminar

Great seminar. Now I know what to put on my Christmas wish list. Good to meet you guys too. And thanks for the hamburgers.