
Well Known Member
Don't laugh at my cheap iPad mini mount. It works for me.

Ok the details. Cheap GripGo from the "As Seen on TV" aisle at Walmart ($10). Thought I would give it a try just because. (Worked great on my iPhone in the car so.....) Grips amazing well, almost too much. Won't work for everyone unless you have a suction cup area to use it on or modify the mounting.

I used it in the same area as Turbo put his. Mounted over my trusty Garmin 196 (yes, my very old, battery operated when the power goes out, b&w GPS)

Fight tested yesterday and it worked great throughout the trial, including aileron rolls. I was able to slightly tilt the screen to eliminate reflections when necessary. Don't know how well it will hold during more than moderate turbulence. I might consider a more permanent attachment on the suction cup end.




I purchased one for my car a few months ago and love it. Need to get another one for the plane now. Glad to know they are at Walmart for only $10, I paid $14 for mine at a As Seen On TV store at the mall.
Looks good! Is it "moisture" activated? Wondering if the Florida heat will affect it.
gripgo, you may have gotn a new nick name. 10 bucks! whow. :):):) 196!:eek::eek:

great setup, ehh:):)
Looks good! Is it "moisture" activated? Wondering if the Florida heat will affect it.

The suction cup part is cheezy but I had it on my truck for my last 3100+ mile trip to Ohio, VA and back. No problems. The suction cup to instrument panel needs a very flat area to work. Again, I may modify that part. Now, the green sticky part that goers on the iPad mini is supposed to be miniature suction cups and not a gel. It leaves NO RESIDUE or any marks. I use it directly on the back of my iPad mini, with no case.

Per the manuf: The secret to GripGo™ is our unique polymer surface that acts like millions of suction cups that instantly grip and release – over and over again. Keep your eyes on the road and your phone within sight.


Hey Turbo, as I recall yours was put together with FREE left over parts... :D :D New call sign? From Gman to GripGo, I don't think so.
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Amazon has 'em for $7.99, w/ free shipping if you have a Prime account, and they're shipped from Amazon's fulfillment centers. Seems interesting that a lot of people have given bad ratings on Amazon for use in cars. Truly, YMMV. :eek:
Amazon has 'em for $7.99, w/ free shipping if you have a Prime account, and they're shipped from Amazon's fulfillment centers. Seems interesting that a lot of people have given bad ratings on Amazon for use in cars. Truly, YMMV. :eek:

Don, I saw a lot of negative reviews on Amazon from people trying to stick it to an iPhone in a case. Those don't count in my mind. I'm not saying it isn't cheaply made but the sticky part works great to hold the iPad mini. Suction cup must seat on glass or very smooth surface or else no chance it's going to work.
Sold me

Gary, as soon as I saw your post, I went to walmart and picked one up. For $10 why not. If it does not work in the plane (have not tried it yet) I will use it in the car. I use the mini extensively in the car for mapping and sometimes fly foreflight in the car just for practice!

Thanks for the information.
Works great

I mounted the little platic puck down on the seat pan just behind the fuel selector. Works great as both pilot and passenger can use it in flight. The suction cup really holds well. The only issue I see so far is the the green suction material seems to like the mini better than it does the plastic frame it is mounted to.

So far so good, will update report after i use it in flight.
Steve, I have been using it as I originally described for several months now.

The iPad mini and mount I originally posted was modified to eliminate the suction cup (cheesiest part of the unit). I bolted it right to my instrument panel and the GripGo has performed flawlessly for the last 38 flight hrs. When I want to remove the unit and not use the iPad mini I just unscrew the arm from the permanently mounted instrument panel connection.

I put approx 38 hrs on the plane from Florida to Ohio to S Carolina back to Ohio. Trip to Ithaca, NY and back to Ohio. Finally, Ohio back to Florida a few weeks ago. (trip report coming)

Caveat? I have not used the mount in anything under 50 degrees F?. FWIW

a picture is worth ???..

These are now $6.74 on Amazon - it qualifies for prime shipping, too!

I bought several from Amazon a couple months ago. Used occasionally just trying them out around the pattern. I just put my iPhone on it as it was not sturdy enough for my iPad. I thought it wiggled around quite a bit with the iPhone mass on it. Currently i have abanadoned using it mainly because I am waiting to get my iPad mini when Appple comes out with retina display for it. Also still trying to find best place to mount it as the arm is pretty long and therefore can put the device in an aukward postion when using the suction cup off the window. I think I will try the bolted mount shown above.
Hi All, got any updates to report on your mounts??? Still satisfied or any more modifications??

Thanks, :)
My suction cup mount works well BUT it's too close to the line of sight. Not very effective distribution of attention :)
My more permanent mount has been working well. The suction cup one doesn't ... Well, suck enough.

I have now used it in colder climates ( yes, I said colder.... Not freezing) and it's functioning great. It was about 38 one morning in Georgia and still worked as expected. Sticky pad is cleaned with soap and water every few weeks as directed.
My more permanent mount has been working well. The suction cup one doesn't ... Well, suck enough.
:D Got it.

I like the way you modified it. Seems a very practical setup. Thanks Gary!! I'm getting real close to springing for a Nexus 7 or a Mini.


Ram makes a wonderful little snap in cradle that does not hardly cost anything. Why wouldn't you use that? Maybe I should give you mine so you won't look so ghetto. LOL!
Ram makes a wonderful little snap in cradle that does not hardly cost anything. Why wouldn't you use that? Maybe I should give you mine so you won't look so ghetto. LOL!

Thanks EAGLE.... I'll be looking for it in the mail:D My address is in the VAF white pages.