
Well Known Member
How many times will the tail strobe lens bounce? Twice on concrete hangar floor. YMMV. Don't try this at home, the replacement is $50!:eek:
Same thing with the colored wingtip light lenses. They may not cost as much, but if you disassemble a set of Whelan position lights, do it over a bed or a pile of towels or something.

Lots of people have learned this lesson over the years...
Been there, done that.

It is amazing how many pieces those wing tip nav lights break into when dropped.
Always secure the lens with masking tape before removing the metal retainer!

Martin Sutter
building and flying RV's since 1988
Mine didn't bounce at all.

I had the strobe bulb in the lens and broke that too. It was about a hundred and something to replace, If I remember correctly.

Ouch! that is bad...

Reminds me of a comedian's comment that it doesn't matter how bad you have it, someone else always has it worse.... but what about that last guy that doesn't even have a bus to run him over?:D

At least you have forgotten exactly how painful it was, since you can't remember the bite to your wallet!