
Well Known Member

After 3 years and 2500 hours of work...

...Presenting Rudi's RV 'Zulu-7' i.e. ZU-LUZ



Thanks to my wonderful wife Anel, my endearing daughter Anri and my AP inspector Steve Boshoff!

Dolph and Chalkie came out in their RV6's for the test flight early Thursday 3 July. Both Dolph and Chalkie is very active in the RV Community in South Africa. Chalkie even flew the Yellow RV6 shown below from SA to Oskosh and back.

Test pilot briefing Checking out the instrument and switch controls etc.

LIFT-OFF good feeling (but ugly no wheel pants..)

This is what it is all about: One BIG RV-Grin!

Chalkie flew for about 1 hour, flat out above the airfield then come down. (Remember wioth new motor on highveld in South Africa 6000ft ASL one needs flat out to develop enough power for it to run-in i.e. 75% @ 7500ft). What A feeling when Chalkie reported all is fine, no problems a couple of minutes into the first flight!

Back on the ground we pulled the cowls and inspected, no leaks, no problems or 'serious' issues. We made adjustments the Throttle Arm to allow it to idle lower, and put a bit of sponge in the MAP pipe to stop it jumping all over the place. Like every other RV that is build right, it has a bit of heavy wing that we will sort out during the next 25 hours. CHT on first flight high as expected for new motor. We ran it without wheel pants and fairings to increase drag for new motor to work harder on highveld.

Cowls Back on, and we went out, me essential crew monitoring engine instruments closely, once again flat out for 2 hours. The 100km proving flight radius CAA gave me is just too small. We were all over Special Rules East. CHT starting to come down, but still high. Back home done inspection everything is fine, nothing to do or fix.

On Friday Allen came to assist, once again, 2 hours flat out, one person watching aircraft vitals other flying special rules east all over. (I need a bigger area!) CHT's coming down nicely. Back home I pulled the cowls, inspected, everything fine, no leaks, but noticed the oil dip stick pipe slightly loose. Pulled the dip stick, resealed it, tighten up, and lock wire it. Pulled the floor boards, removed the aileron trim so that it does not interfere with our efforts to 'fix' the slightly heavy wing. Inspected the control column, all fine, pulled the rear baggage panels inspected elevator bellcrank connections all fine.

Cowls back on and Allen came to help some more on Sunday, 1.3 hours. CHT's down nicely so the motor is starting to settle. We started exploring slow flight characteristics, the stall speeds, stall recoveries all as expected and nothing out of the ordinary. We also started to 'load' the airframe, at one stage we pulled 2G's, during our test.

Then we started to do some circuit and bumps for me to start my conversion, only managed 3, before we ran out of time.

So far 6.5 hours since test flight. It's a lekka plane! (lekka = South African Afrikaans word meaning wonderfull) Coming from a Microlight and Rotax world it is a bit overwhelming and you get sensory overload, new airplane, new motor, new engine procedures, new instruments, but I am starting to feel more comfortable in it with every minute that pass with me in the seat.
My panel proved to be very functional...the clean simplicity makes it a plus. The 2 Dynons with switching and split screen functionality proved very valuable during this time. Both Pilots configure what they want to see independantly. Allen likes it so much, he is getting an itch to redo his ;-)

I can't wait to get more flight time between Allen and Chalkie's busy schedules.

A BIG thank you goes to Chalkie for the Test Flight, Allen for helping me with the Conversion, and Dolph that came out to witness the test flight.

Till Later,
Awesome! Congratulations Rudy! Looks beautiful!

Thanks for all the inspirational videos!


I don't think that there's another RV that has been so closely watched during its construction than yours.

A big, hearty congratulations from this old South African/Rhodesian ex-pat.


Outstanding Rudi - you have had one of the best documented builds ever, and now you have a great flying machine. Well done!

I expect the "final" stop-motion might be anticlimactic - the airplane is sitting there - and then it isn't!

Very nice

Great Job what you gonna do with the rest of your life?..:)

Nice Bird!

Great looking bird, Rudi!

And Chalkie is looking good, too. I recall his name from a neat story that Sport Aviation did sometime back in the 1990s (in the days when there was actually writing and content in the magazine, rather than the post-2000 era of lots of white space and what text there is being mostly EAA patting itself on the back at every turn . . . ) about some South African Airways folks who were flying a restored DC-4 (as I recall) to OSH, and Chalkie was one of the flight crew - along with "Flippie" and some other grizzled veterans:)

Man, I've gotta work on a decent nickname....;)
Hi guys,

Thank you for your kind comments...RV Zulu 7 has done now 8.2 hours, all still good to go no snags, I am getting more and more comfortable in her.

and yes Chalkie is a good guy.


Hi Rudi.

Big congratulations from Norway too! A really, really beautiful airplane!

And thanks for the really good building log on the net! I've used your a lot during our construction and it's been a great help!

Good luck with the rest of the phase 1 testing. I'm sure you'll have alot of fun with your new juvel!

Hope you'll continue with your website updates and videos too..... :)