
Is it required once one donates yearly, to put "I donated" or "Donated 2019" or whatever? I see people with this in their signatures but frankly I do not understand why one would need to spell out that they donated.
Is it required once one donates yearly, to put "I donated" or "Donated 2019" or whatever?


I see people with this in their signatures but frankly I do not understand why one would need to spell out that they donated.

Various reasons, I suspect mostly for a reminder to themselves when to donate again.

Probably a bit of pride also, those who make donations run a very small % of total registered membership.
Answer: No, it's not required.

Everyone that posts that info has their own reasons. As for me, I grow suspicious of those that don't announce their donations, suspecting that they're just lurkers or imbibers who haven't been gracious enough to donate to Doug's enterprise, especially if they gained any benefit from the VAF experience. I guess it's just the team player in me.

Heck, I'm proud to be an investor in the Reeves' American Dream. :cool:
I don?t understand how you can be ?a member? and not donate. Isn?t that like reading the newspaper at the news stand without buying it? It would have been far more difficult to complete my project without this valuable, and cheap, resource. :)
understand? just a feeling.

I can't understand why there is a need to understand. It's a feeling dude. Cosmic.

Different strokes for different folks and all that kind of stuff. Maybe it makes some of us just feel good or let's us tune into some other non-understandable feeling.
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I'm not a big fan of someone using the term "dues" or "membership" as it seems to run counter to the spirit of generosity throughout the fabric of this site. That said, to each his own. As for the text in my signature line, I simply add it to express my support and hope that it serves as a reminder for others to consider doing the same. Heck, I sold my RV and building something else, but find nothing even close to the volumes of wisdom found on this site....priceless.

Oh, and that reminds me...time to donate for 2019!
Eh, I donated. Didn't put it into my signature cause 1. I'm lazy. and 2. Didn't really feel like I needed to put it out there. Mostly because I'm lazy.
Eh, I donated. Didn't put it into my signature cause 1. I'm lazy. and 2. Didn't really feel like I needed to put it out there. Mostly because I'm lazy.

I was trying to come up with I don't have it in my signature. You spelled it out pretty go for me.:D Besides, I'm lazy too, now I don't have to make anything up.:D

1. to feel a part
2. Encourage other to donate
3. And remind myself when I last donated
Mostly #1, aside from the amazing value that is hard to measure
I decided long ago that I would be a supporting member, and that this site was worth more to me than Doug asked of his community members, so in order to avoid forgetting/procrastinating every year on X date, I signed up for a monthly $5 donation.

Sometimes it seems cosmically appropriate to remind the broader community that some of us love this place enough to more than pull our weight - in the hopes of prodding their conscience to get on board with the program. Sometimes.

I need only imagine how I'd feel if VAF went away to determine if the site is worth fifteen cents a day of my covfefe money. There's no question.

Since I don't need to remember an automatic recurring donation, I guess it's in my sig line to remind others of the importance of their voluntary participation in the Reeves' enterprise. I hate that Doug has to ask every December for enough consideration to pay his bills.
Is it required once one donates yearly, to put "I donated" or "Donated 2019" or whatever? I see people with this in their signatures but frankly I do not understand why one would need to spell out that they donated.

Some people like to show their support for a cause they consider worthy. And some dont.

No issues. Do as you like.
Ok.. thanks all. I get it. The tagline shows support so that others may donate. I almost seemed self-serving when I first started seeing the "I donated" moniker, but now I totally understand it is a marketing aide to get others to donate if they have not. I am going to modify my signature shortly to support that effort. Thanks again everyone!
Doug Reeves puts on a remarkable service to the Vans community with this site, and does it on his own nickel. He really dislikes cheerleading for donations, so some people do it for him in a fairly subtle way by their signature lines. I have donated well above the recommended $25/yr for the last several years and I'm not bashful about putting the line in my signature. The service is worth it.
We all do what works for us. I just remember the calendar year. I don't put it in my byline other that to say VAF supporter $$.

This next paragraph is for those that don't donate regularly.

This site is just as valuable when building as the builders manual is.... especially during the build. I finished my build and had first flight in 2012. I continue to support the site...dr & family for all the builders that came after me. Of course I do log on every day too. This site is wonderful.... where else can you post photos of your kids/family, pets or sharing videos then in the same breath ask a technical aircraft question? You'll get answers, some are opinions and some are from experts.... a real bargain.

If I can't be at the airport flying because of weather or whatever.... someone someplace is and is sharing it with the rest of us.
Doug knows who donates and who doesn't .. I don't really see how it's anyone else business ;)

Not always. I donate by PayPal and that just identifies me by my email address and not my forum user name. I don?t provide that personal information on any of forums that I belong to and that includes a dummy email address I never use. When I make my donation I just include a note that it is from 9GT.
Answer: No, it's not required.

Everyone that posts that info has their own reasons. As for me, I grow suspicious of those that don't announce their donations, suspecting that they're just lurkers or imbibers who haven't been gracious enough to donate to Doug's enterprise, especially if they gained any benefit from the VAF experience. I guess it's just the team player in me.

Heck, I'm proud to be an investor in the Reeves' American Dream. :cool:

If shaming is the intent, I am not sure if that yields a good result.
Same here

1. to feel a part
2. Encourage other to donate
3. And remind myself when I last donated
Mostly #1, aside from the amazing value that is hard to measure

+1, 2 & 3. Oh yea. Extra characters added.
...and then there's the free advertising!

um, ok, since nobody has mentioned it....the free classifieds, where often things sell in minutes!
So I 'profited' from use of the classifieds, where the moderators were so kind.... as to allow me to list my RV for MUCH longer than 30 days...
So whether you sell something for $10 or $100k, it seems like a bargain to donate a few scheckels,
.... especially considering X-stormers and other classifieds cost a whole lot more for a photo ad!

end sermon. :)