
Well Known Member
OK, here is a question for all the smart guys out there. What are the best sites to purchase from and host a domain? I would want this both for email service and for website hosting, but I want to make it independent from my ISP.
This is going to sound strange but:

They have a good reputation, great prices and good service. A rarity amongst DNS hosters. I and a bunch of my silicon valley friends have been using them for years. (Actually they are a German company, but great US service)
GoDaddy for my domains. Aplus for the hosting. Actually, I host my sites on my own servers, but aplus is the biggest bang for the buck I've found so far.

I switched all my domains to a couple years ago. Cheap dns hosting. Cheap email hosting. Cheap web hosting.

YMMV, but they've been very helpful when needed.
Another satisfied customer here. I have a handful of domains registered with them, and a few hosting accounts... never had a problem, and nothing beats the price.

The ONLY downside so far is that I have run into some limitations with trying to execute a few server side scripts with their budget (aka cheap) hosting accounts, but if you have no need for that level of functionality, then it really doesn't matter.
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I use for my domains, they are one of the original discount services relative to Network Solutions. I haven't shopped around for years though, maybe it's time. I use for my hosting. No problems with either but I haven't shopped around lately so can't say how they compare to others.
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I have my site hosted with IX Webhosting. Their rates are competetive and getting set up was really easy. Earlier this year I noticed a couple of times that my site was down for an hour or two. It's been pretty stable since.
Domain Stuff

Yahoo has worked well for me for the last 3 years. If you are not real savy with web building, their web design program is free to download and it does everything that I care to apply. When I have questons...they are helpful.
Dan B
Mesa, AZ
Why am I not surprised to get so many quality responses from this group! Thanks!

Now, for the miserable task of updating all the accounts, etc., that are associated with my current email address....
I guess that depends on how private you like to keep your information. The name, address and email address you provide as your administrative and technical contact will be available as a matter of public record. I use my office address to register domain names and I get a few pieces of junk mail a year, some are even fake bills for domain renewal from scammers, but that is another topic.

One thing I would suggest is that the email address you provide for your administrative and/or technical contact is not your primary (personal) email address, as spammers will harvest it. For example, I use a gmail account for this purpose.

If you are unfamiliar, do a WHOIS search on any domain name and you will see what I mean.
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I use for hosting but I got in when they had a special. I can't remember how much it was, but it was dirt cheap when you see all I got.
I use go-daddy for domain names. All my domain name are there which make keeping track of them easier.
Many thanks to all who helped here - I ended up going with I am really amazed at how much one can get for the $$ now, if you are a bit computer literate and willing to learn.

Again, thanks for the help.
This is going to sound strange but:

They have a good reputation, great prices and good service. A rarity amongst DNS hosters. I and a bunch of my silicon valley friends have been using them for years. (Actually they are a German company, but great US service)

Another vote for joker. Quick, good, cheap.

Our EAA chapter website

I just moved our chapter's website to 1and1.
They have domain registrations starting at $2.99 and webhosting starting at $3.99/mo.
More importantly, it was a very smooth transition, and get this: Their tech support people answer 24 hours a day!