
I'm New Here
Hey guys,

I have been planning on building an airplane for a long time, and actually got about 25% through building a KR2S before I screwed it up pretty good and determined that I don't want to build wood (everytime something breaks, I had to start over from scratch, and that's just not fun)....

So, background out of the way, my mission is primarily solo flight with a dog, going fast and fun around 500-600nm at a time. Right now, I am planning on the RV7A.

My dog is a German Shepherd/Lab mix, and he's only getting bigger (currently between 50 and 60 pounds). Will he do ok in an RV7, without getting in my way? I don't crate him, and he does really well in the backseat of a Cherokee 180, and the front seat of a Cessna 172. He loves flying, and he's my flying buddy, so his presence is a requirement.

Finally, he's got this really bad habit of trying to jump out of the windows in my truck if I leave them down. If I go with the sliding canopy, will it stay closed enough in flight to make sure that he won't be able to jump out of the plane at a few thousand feet?
N999NN said:
Finally, he's got this really bad habit of trying to jump out of the windows in my truck if I leave them down. If I go with the sliding canopy, will it stay closed enough in flight to make sure that he won't be able to jump out of the plane at a few thousand feet?
Oh yes it will "stay closed engough" as that is the only way to fly an RV. Sorry, you can't leave the canopy open in flight and if you forget to close it on TO, apprently you can't close it or open it in flight due to the air pressure holding it in place.
I would just leave the right side control stick out and get him a good set of doggy earmuffs. Maybe consider some form of restraint like they sell for cars.