Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Recently we had a thread that started with a drugged dog lying on the floor where a co-pilot's seat would go and then diverted into dogs in the luggage compartment (with the very cute loading slide show--http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=34937&highlight=dog&page=3). Now, I am wondering about using a doggie seat harness to put a dog in the co-pilot's seat of my -6 (Mikey).

Paul and I are fostering a small, adult Siberian Husky (42#). Things are working out very well, so far, but we want any future dog to be able to easily commute with me. The flight is only 35 minutes, so I'm thinking that it might work to have him sit in the co-pilot's seat with a car-style seat harness. Has anyone tried this method in a side-by-side? Any recommendations on harnesses to try/avoid?
dogs in the cockpit

Recently we had a thread that started with a drugged dog lying on the floor where a co-pilot's seat would go and then diverted into dogs in the luggage compartment (with the very cute loading slide show--http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=34937&highlight=dog&page=3). Now, I am wondering about using a doggie seat harness to put a dog in the co-pilot's seat of my -6 (Mikey).

Paul and I are fostering a small, adult Siberian Husky (42#). Things are working out very well, so far, but we want any future dog to be able to easily commute with me. The flight is only 35 minutes, so I'm thinking that it might work to have him sit in the co-pilot's seat with a car-style seat harness. Has anyone tried this method in a side-by-side? Any recommendations on harnesses to try/avoid?

Being dog-poor at the moment (my work schedule won't allow it), I can't offer any first-hand experience on having Fido in the passenger seat, but here is a link to a padded harness made to integrate into the car seat belt system. A co-worker has a couple of these for her two Malamutes and swears by them. Since you slip the car shoulder belt through the loop in the harness, it looks like they would work with the standard RV seat-back harness.


Good luck!
Drugged Dog?

What kind of monster would drug a dog just to get them to go for a plane ride? :cool:

Hi Louise, I think it would depend on the dog. Our boxers would much prefer to lie down and sleep than be in a harness - even with out medication. I realize this is probably not the safest way to transport them.

Good luck with the Husky - they are beautiful animals.
Scooter as Co Pilot

Scooter was my big fluffy 55 lb show dog. He needed to be in Portland the following morning so I flew him there from Seattle that evening. His leash was tied to the hooks aft but it was just a bit too long. Since I appeared to have nothing to do at the moment Scooter decided to come up and sit in my lap. I convinced him otherwise but as I pushed him away he almost fell into the co pilots yoke. You can imagine the sequence of events that would have followed. I shudder thinking of it.
If you have to transport the pup, lock him/her in a crate and tie it down securely in back.

When 6 year old Bubba, our beloved beagle joins me for a quick local flight, he tells me to remove the "Bubble Buster" joystick so he can sit up and enjoy the view or move around in his seat without obstruction. These are times when you appreciate a removable joystick AND without a fabric interior, how easy it is to remove dog hair from leather. :D

P.S. Unrelated to flight....when sleeping (like right now) that boy snores louder than any old man you ever heard!

Don't forget ear protection.

You can see from my avitar that I take Charlie (my Havanese) up on occasion. Since I was concerned about his hearing, I got a pair of Mutt Muffs for him. See "safeandsoundpets.com" or Google mutt muffs.

I use a harness and a very short leash tied to the seat belts to make sure that he can't get near any controls or on my lap. He can still get up and look outside.
he almost fell into the co pilots yoke. You can imagine the sequence of events that would have followed. I shudder thinking of it.
If you have to transport the pup, lock him/her in a crate and tie it down securely in back.

Gotta agree with Bob here.

Or at least what Bruce (above post) did.

Dogs have a well developed "fight or flight" instinct.

If something sets them off---watch out:eek:

I certainly dont want to simultaneously try to control an airplane, and control a panicky/scared/confused dog. Problem goes up in magnitude with dog size, and potential for dog to get at the controls.

Fly safe y'all.
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I remember reading a fatal accident report many years ago. Seems the gent had taken his pit bull and kitty cat for a ride in the family 182.:eek: It was said that the dog and cat were good buddies at home, but the report said it appeared that there had been a fight in the airplane and the pilot had lost control.

Probably good policy to have animals in kennels, or well restrained, in "planes, trains, and automobiles".

exactly $0.02 worth