
Forum Peruser
Okay, Doug (and other computer savvy RVers),
I have been using this new "FORUMS" web site for 3 months now and feel very comfortable with it. HOWEVER...
...one thing bothers me. My "Remember Me?" box doesn't work! When I log in, there is a little box for a check mark to be clicked on or off. I assume everyone has it. I have checked my cookie settings, and have tried a few other things, and I don't understand why it doesn't work. My AOPA log in remembers my userid and password, so why doesn't this one? Same story for three different PC's I use.
I've looked in the FAQ section....can anybody help?
I know...I should be out in the shop banging rivets instead of fretting over this.
Thanks for letting me vent!
Don Hull
..."Remember Me?"

Come on, guys (& gals), surely soneone can answer my question above?
Don Hull
P.S. Congratulations, Doug, on the Baylor's Women's Basketball National Championship!!!
Remember me

If you have a program like Norton or McAfee with all of the add ons to "monitor and make safe" your internet connections you could be blocking yourself. Guess how I know that! :)
Which browser are you using?

Different browsers support cookies in different ways. Of the three
browsers that I'm most familiar with, Firefox, Opera, and IE, only
the first two integrate a cookie manager. If you have previously
visited this website and told one them to not allow cookies, that
setting might be saved. If you go to the cookie manager, you
can probably add vansairforce.com as one of the "good guys".

What I can't get working is the email message being sent to
me when one of my "subscriptions" are updated. I'd still
love to be able to get all these messages in my e-mail box
like the Matronics lists.