
Well Known Member
Does your mind wander during building? When you've got a hundred holes to drill and deburr, cleco and un-cleco, do you get a song in your head that won't go away? I was drilling deburring clecoing unclecoing and I got to wondering what would Benny Bell (of Dr. Demento fame) have sung if he had been an RV builder... might it have been something like...

I have a sad story to tell you
It may hurt your feelings a bit
Last night when I got out of my RV
I stepped in a big pile of?

Shaving cream! Be nice and clean!
Shave everyday and you'll always look keen!

I made a low pass in my RV
I was looping around just a bit
The FAA sent me a letter
And now I?m in really deep?

Shaving cream! Be nice and clean!
Shave everyday and you'll always look keen!

I?m building my plane in the basement
My cats play inside the cockpit
Last night I found what they were doing
My cats made a big pile of?

Shaving cream! Be nice and clean!
Shave everyday and you'll always look keen!

I was dimpling holes in the airplane
But my mind tends to wander a bit
I hit the tool one time too many
I saw the new hole and yelled out ?OH?

Shaving cream! Be nice and clean!
Shave everyday and you'll always look keen!

sorry but that IS what goes through my head :D

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Huh! That isnt whats playing in my head.

At my hangar, especially late at night, the wind whistles around the roof, and I swear it plays "I am the walrus" over and over and over. Kind of spooky. Dont hear nuthin' in the day.

Koo-koo ka-choo

erich weaver
My girlfriend likes to hang out with me and help build... imagine what goes through my mind.

i walk to the fridge for a bottled water and turn around to drink it while starring at the plane with its partially fitted canopy, then after about twenty minutes i realize it isnt going to build itself. so i figure now is a good time to look at jeffs site again then read the three threads about canopy trimming and fitting here, then go back outside to turn the lights off because two hours have passed and its family time. now its been almost a week and the canopy still isnt cut. :rolleyes:
i guess i'll get it in another day or two. ;)
cytoxin said:
i walk to the fridge for a bottled water and turn around to drink it while starring at the plane with its partially fitted canopy, then after about twenty minutes i realize it isnt going to build itself. so i figure now is a good time to look at jeffs site again then read the three threads about canopy trimming and fitting here, then go back outside to turn the lights off because two hours have passed and its family time. now its been almost a week and the canopy still isnt cut. :rolleyes:
i guess i'll get it in another day or two. ;)

Actually, the other night when I actually DID do work on the airplane (when I was breaking bolts) I was able to sit down at the computer and get on this website and I had answers to my problem within a matter of minutes. The alternative to being able to go online would have been to waiting until the next evening to call Vans. Real convenient to have an office next to the workshop.
Hear Hear

OldAndBold said:
Actually, the other night when I actually DID do work on the airplane I was able to sit down at the computer and get on this website and I had answers to my problem within a matter of minutes. The alternative to being able to go online would have been to waiting until the next evening to call Vans. Real convenient to have an office next to the workshop.

Absolutely ! :D

Especially so for those of us building a few miles away from the US - in fact personally I wouldn't have even started if it wasn't for the Internet - and matched hole technology :D :D :D
no doubt

OldAndBold said:
Actually, the other night when I actually DID do work on the airplane (when I was breaking bolts) I was able to sit down at the computer and get on this website and I had answers to my problem within a matter of minutes. The alternative to being able to go online would have been to waiting until the next evening to call Vans. Real convenient to have an office next to the workshop.
the canopy wouldnt even be on the plane yet,if not for the net.
maybey i wouldve found another hobby if not for dougs site.
thanks Doug. i really need a computer in my shop. that would save days.see, when i go in the house i get a snack :D then i stop by the tv and stare at the military chanel or billy and mandy. point is it takes at least an hour to go look at something on the computer. 56k doesnt help either other than making me think i'll just figure this one myself. or im done for the day.
cytoxin said:
the canopy wouldnt even be on the plane yet,if not for the net.
maybey i wouldve found another hobby if not for dougs site.
thanks Doug. i really need a computer in my shop. that would save days.see, when i go in the house i get a snack :D then i stop by the tv and stare at the military chanel or billy and mandy. point is it takes at least an hour to go look at something on the computer. 56k doesnt help either other than making me think i'll just figure this one myself. or im done for the day.

Get a lap top with a verizon wireless modem. I am out on a job site and able to access the internet. It works great.
I've got the same thing, with Alltel. Works anywhere a cellphone works, and I see transfer rates in the 50-60kbit range commonly, and occasionally 100kbits.

Now back on topic - I know when I'm working on some piece of high-pressure air equipment for a customer, I'll sometimes find myself talking to myself, and answering - that's the scary part. I daydream about building airplanes while I'm building compressors.

I figure I've got the right mindset for building though - my wife came into the shop just after 1 AM last night and told me it was time to put away the tools and come to bed. I had no idea it was any later than 10 o'clock....