Bent the elevator trailing edges today and I wanted to see if you think this is OK or do I need to bend it further? There's just a very slight gap between the skin and the straight edge in the last inch.

Thanks for your input.
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RE:More in IMUO


Mine looked the same until I really put the bend to it. I had a 1/8 dowel taped in the radius which really helped keep it in place and maintain a good radius. I also taped the bottom skin edges to the home made bending brake so it would not move out from the point of the bend.

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... painting.....VS/Rudder
Thanks. I have to fight the urge to keep tweaking something because I have a tendency to keep trying to improve something to the point where it starts going downhill. I need a team of Van's engineers to look over my shoulder and tell me when to stop. ;)
Dave, What you show in the picture looks fine. What I would look at is between the stiffeners. This is where many have a "bulge". If what you show is consistent from end to end, you're in good shape.
Thanks Mel,
I didn't even think to check laterally. I've taken everything apart for de-burring and dimpling but will check that when I re-assemble.
I appreciate the responses and the great feedback this message board provides!
I bought a "Radius-Gauge set" from for about $25.00 that has been very helpful in the building process...when working out brake work for elevators,ailerons, etc....Check it out.