
Well Known Member
So, at the point where the roll bar fiberglass comes down to the fuselage (the "sideburns" if you will) does it attach to the sides or is it open at the bottom? Here is mine which is very much in work:


You see how I have a glob of micro there at the bottom? This will form a pocket for the slider that is closed at the bottom. I could also grind it off and have the fiberglass sideburns end at the top of the canopy rail. This would mean that the lip that extends over the slider will not be attached to the fuselage at all. I'm a little concerned about it vibrating and causing paint cracking issues. Of course, I will be cutting the lip down to about 1/2"-3/4" before I'm done which will greatly reduce the moment arm.

I polled exactly one person with a slider and he has left his open at the bottom and has been flying for 6 years every weekday with no problems.

I need to move on so that is what I'm leaning towards. Any thoughts or suggestions?

I'm finding that with fiberglass, it's hard to decide when you're done. I know the paint shop will be reworking much of my fiberglass work no matter how pretty I make it but I still find myself working it, and reworking it. I'm much better at building aluminum stuff. When the last rivet is in, it's done!
Mine is open at the bottom. No vibration or cracking problems in 10 years.

That said, I'd make the full pocket if I was doing it again.
My fiberglass goes all the way down onto the aluminum. If you smooth it out nice it makes a very nice and strong transition.

Just my thoughts
Id leave it open otherwise you might trap some water which could possible (stress the word possibly folks) lead to corrosion. Just my .01

Kelly, is your canopy mounted and pulled forward, UNDER the windshield fiberglass? It doesn't appear to be.....the reason for the question.

The canopy should be slid forward and locked. You then mask it off with duct tape or similar and wax it well with paste wax or a fiberglass mold-release. Then the windshield fiberglass gets molded over the canopy all the way down over the slider skirts.


Yes, the canopy fits under the fiberglass. I did exactly how you described (taped, closed and locked, etc) then glassed. I was only wondering how far down the sides should it extend. Seems like there is no right or wrong way so far. I'm probably overthinking this as I tend to do.