I counted all the way through my empennage kit, then opted for the quickbuild wings, and gave up on the tally. I'll look up the number for the empennage when I'm at my hangar. I'd be curious to know the total, as well...

There was a guy who counted every rivet, including the bad ones, cant seem to remember his name, but the one totally un-forgettable thing is he lives in a town called---------ready for this???


I suspect he will check in, he is fairly active on the forum.
There was a guy who counted every rivet, including the bad ones, cant seem to remember his name, but the one totally un-forgettable thing is he lives in a town called---------ready for this???


I suspect he will check in, he is fairly active on the forum.

That would be Chad! I'm sure he will show up here shortly. It sure is nice of him to count them for us isn't it? ;)

Actually 12,000 rivets.
With a quick build you only have to drive about 7,000. The factory does the rest.
