
Well Known Member
Hi - did a search but found nothing. Also looked on EAA and AOPA and all I found were .pdf versions. I'd like to not have to re-type a complete sales agreement so am wondering if any kind soul out there has a word formatted version that they could send me. I would modify as needed.

You can PM me if that works.

PS - Not selling my -9A, but now that it is flying (still pinching myself!) I no longer need my Cherokee.

Thanks in advance if you can help me out.
Sales agreement

I've seen worse forms. However:

I'm not the OP's lawyer, and the OP isn't my client, but I can tell you that in my opinion, if I was selling my own airplane, I would want the abilty to bail on the deal if the alleged discrepancies discovered by the buyer during the inspection exceeded a pre-specified $ threshold.

Under this form agreement, the seller has to pay for fixing airworthiness discrepancies even if the cost of doing so exceeds the total value of the airplane (and as we all know, that's possible).

In my own deals, I am a big fan of using a title/escrow service, as provided for in this form. The cost isn't much in the grand scheme of things, and it can avoid a lot of problems. Others may have different opinions obviously.

You can generally copy the contents of a PDF to the clipboard, and thence to a Word document, where it can be edited.

Send me your email address and I'll send you the one I used. This site does not allow word files to be uploaded.
Just open the PDF IN MS Word and it will convert it for you. The formatting may be a bit weird but it's something to try (takes 1 min).
word sales agreement

Just typed in the EAA sample sales agreement yesterday. I'll send it on to you if you would like.

Really appreciate the replies. I was able to get one PM'd/emailed to me (Thanks Mike!) and am all set. Good to know the trick about converting .pdf files too. After a career spent largely in front of a computer you'd think I'd know how to do this stuff. After 2 years of retirement I guess I've lost my touch :)