Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Okay, I?ve read the numerous threads on these forums about how RV ownership has torpedoed many a marriage or engagement because the WIFE doesn?t support the HUSBAND?s involvement in flying and building. This continuing discussion has me worried. Before he even proposed, my fianc? was talking about selling my RV-6 in a few years. :eek: Have I made a mistake in agreeing to marry him? :eek:
No Mistake here!!

Oh, I don?t think you?ve made a mistake Louise? ;) :D

Besides, we could never sell your -6 until we start and finish a -10?.that?s why the hangar needs to be big enough for two RV?s and a project, right?

OK guys, how lucky am I to find a woman who doesn?t just ?tolerate? flying, but is an experienced pilot herself, and also OWNS HER OWN RV??!! Nope, not gonna let this one go? :D


Boy I hope I am not a total dope.... but I do believe this is a wedding post :D Big time congatulations!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
No you're not a total dope Kirk....you're guess is close - it's an engagement announcement! We'll have to wait for the marriage until we can figure out how to at least live in the same state....and until then, each of us having an RV keeps us MUCH closer together!

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Congratulations to the both of you. It is so neat to see two people with similar passions find each other -- and to think it was through this list makes it extra neat. BTW, was our February trip to BBRSP the first time you two had met? I thought I could detect a little extra "chemistry" between the two of you while sitting under that incredible stellar display.

Best wishes for perpetual clear skies and tail winds!!


Dave and Janie Burden
Together 25+years because we both love skiing, motorcycling, flying, and traveling!! I am also one lucky guy.!
Congratulations, Paul and Louise!!! Louise, keep the RV. We need more women RV owners and pilots.

BBRSP was the place!

db1yg said:
BTW, was our February trip to BBRSP the first time you two had met? I thought I could detect a little extra "chemistry" between the two of you while sitting under that incredible stellar display.

For practical purposes, the BBRSP trip was where we met and that trip started us off. (Thanks, again, Doug!) I did meet Paul briefly at last year's LOE, but he doesn't remember! I think his passion for Valkyrie was too new last year to notice any other females. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the thoughts. It was clear at Big Bend that you folks have a special relationship, too.

I knew it was just a matter of time. I could see it in your eyes at the EAA 168 Meeting.
You guys remind me of something a friend said to US when Ann and I were getting married (30 years ago this December) "You two go together like corn bread and beans."
To a couple of friends I have never met----------


I just got married a few years ago to a wonderful woman, who loves to fly.

It dont get much better than that.

Mike Starkey

I have been happily married to Michele now for almost 5 years and can only wish y'all the same happiness and fulfillment we have enjoyed!
Yay! Congratulations to both of you! I've never met you Louise and I only briefly chatted with Paul at LOE last year, but I'm still really happy for both of you.

Kind Regards,
Thats great news!

Many congratulations to the both of you!
Having been married for almost 7 years I can say that I still look forward to seeing her (Marci, not the RV) everyday when I get off work.

If your half as fulfilled as I am your a very blessed couple.

Hey maybe we could have a virtual VAF wedding?....A camera and hi speed DSL ink and we could all be witnesses...Just make sure the camera man gets a shot of the formation flyover...:)


Frank 7a
Paul and Louise. Congrats!!! Now if Louise needs a painting of her 6 to go along with the Valkyrie piece ( you know, to keep everyone happy ;) )
Just let me know.
Louise Hose said:
Okay, I?ve read the numerous threads on these forums about how RV ownership has torpedoed many a marriage or engagement because the WIFE doesn?t support the HUSBAND?s involvement in flying and building. This continuing discussion has me worried. Before he even proposed, my fianc? was talking about selling my RV-6 in a few years. :eek: Have I made a mistake in agreeing to marry him? :eek:

No, he can sell his plane!
Congrats anyway! Now the big question, Texas or Virginia?
Or you could both sell your RV's and buy an RV10

...Isn't a "10" like the mini van of RV flying?...:)

Like for 2 kids in the back?...:)

frankh said:
...Isn't a "10" like the mini van of RV flying?...:)

Like for 2 kids in the back?...:)


Although you are correct about the mini van thing, I suspect the real reason is that they can sit either side by side, or tandem ------------as they do now, but in a -10, its all in the same plane.

Or, even diagonal!!

My wife hates flying...

Get's sick everytime she's in the plane....

Thinks it costs way too much....

But, she has ignored the amount I've spent.

Flies with me when she can.

And never complains.

And that's why I love her so much.


Add my congrats to you guys too.

I found a girl that told me to sell the 9A I was building and buy the 7A instead because she wanted a plane that would do acro and pull G's!

Thank you God!

I love that girl!

Somehow she has more time in RV's than me though????Seems like she gets offered rides more often than me, wonder why :eek:
Must be something in the water lately...

Congrats Paul and Louise. You know, they have a real nice little chapel near the EAA museum... Of course, then your anniversary would always be during Oshkosh.

Thanks everyone! Louise and I are very happy, and even though we expect this to be a long engagement (we are both professionals in different fields that may keep us in different cities for several years), we are blessed with these magnificent time machines known as RV's....we can be together pretty quickly when we find ourselves with a long weekend!

We're talking about a -10 because we think it would be a fun project, and a nice traveling machine. Louise hasn't experienced the fun and joy of building, and I think doing a project together would just be fabulous....we don't need another 7 or 8, a 4 would be a toy, and while I'd love a -3, that's kind of like a guy buying a motorcycle for himself....so a -10 would be a nice machine to have in the hangar someday to do a little traveling. The back seats would give us lots of room for wilderness gear! For now, when we are traveling together, we'll just flip a coin, or take the airplane that is best equipped for the weather we expect....

We've had a little fun hinting around about this on the forums for a couple months, but in truth, I can't imagine finding a better match.....and yes, it was the RV world that brought us together. I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't remember meeting Louise at LOE because of all the folks I was being introduced to...heck, according to her, Ken Krueger walked up just after she did, and of course, I zeroed on on the engineer! OK, so I'm a guy and a geek.... :eek:

Ironflight said:
I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't remember meeting Louise at LOE because of all the folks I was being introduced to...heck, according to her, Ken Krueger walked up just after she did, and of course, I zeroed on on the engineer! OK, so I'm a guy and a geek.... :eek:


Absolutely true!

What are you geek guys thinking???

As a non engineer, I would have gone straight for the girl.

I dated an electrical engineer once, who was also a pilot. If I had known that I would be building an RV, I would have hung on to her. My electrical system would have been much easier to build and I would have had a co-pilot who could trouble shoot electrical problems. Oh well.

Congratulations to both of you.
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Louise Hose said:
Okay, I?ve read the numerous threads on these forums about how RV ownership has torpedoed many a marriage or engagement because the WIFE doesn?t support the HUSBAND?s involvement in flying and building. This continuing discussion has me worried. Before he even proposed, my fianc? was talking about selling my RV-6 in a few years. :eek: Have I made a mistake in agreeing to marry him? :eek:
Congratulations Louise!

Katie had an RV-4 when we married three years ago. She still has it... I think the only way I could get it away from her is to pry it from her cold stiff fingers!
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Let's not be HASTY!

Louise, DON'T sell the six! Sure the -10 would make a great "family" vehicle but there'll be times when you may want to travel alone. (Heck, even my wife has her own car.) :D

BTW, congrats to the both of you!
Houston, we have a PROPOSAL!

Holy cow! I'm so happy for you both.

Diamond break over the ceremony on 'I do'.....I got dibs on #4.

Wonderful news, you two.


Way to go Paul and Louise! I wish you both the best. I guess since this is a long engagement the next thought is do you get the 10 emp sent to DC or to Houston for now. You need to get it started so you can be done in time for the great day! :D
Way to go!!

Absolutely wonderful,
Now just when are we gonna see some formation aerobatics in your IFR block Paul, Louise? Two RV's punching holes, inverted, through clouds.......YESSS.

Yay for the happy couple,

Paul and Louise:

It will all sort itself out in time!

Most of you know Paul's credentials; what a lot of you may not know is that Louise has an equally impressive resume in her chosen field, Geology. Looks like we have, as my Grandpappy used to say,"an equally yoked team".

Congratulations and my very best wishes!

Congratulations Paul and Louise. That's great news.

Between the phone and the RVs you guys should be able to keep in touch without a problem. I did the long distance relationship thing for a year and a half, and it worked out great -- except she doesn't fly -- but neither did I at the time.


Congratulations to you both. I can't think of a better match.
To both of you! Like the old knight said in the Indiana Jones movie, "You have chosen wisely!"

Wes & Becky Hays
Don't Worry About Airplanes.....

Even if/when we do build a -10, we'd never get rid of the option for either of us to go fly a two-place....Louise's -6 won't leave the fold until she can take the Val out for a spin whenever she wants to.....and just as I doubt I'll ever part with the Val, I wouldn't expect her to let the -6 go unless it was her choice!

Flying formation with your sweetie on your wing (or in the lead!) is a pretty awesome feeling!

robertahegy said:
Congratulations, Paul and Louise!!! Louise, keep the RV. We need more women RV owners and pilots.

Congratulations Louise and Paul!!!

I have met and flown with one of the two so will have to make it a point to met and fly with the other.

Roberta: The last woman pilot that I let fly my RV went out and purchased an RV.

Congratulations Paul and Louise, nice to hear about another match made in heaven, personally my RV would never have started or finished without my wife. Let me suggest Vancouver BC for a start on new cities to visit together, we have a nice view of the city we would be happy to share with you.
Mark Mercier
Vancouver, BC

Wow!!! you go out of town for the weekend and people decide to get married!!!
BIG TIME CONGRATS!!!!! I'm also lucky in the regard my GF LOVES to fly and I would'nt trade her for the world... so says the 230,000 miles on my car to go see her... gotta get an RV!!
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Third time is a charm

Congratulations to you both. Keep the 6 and the 8. If the hangar is big enough and the insurance is not a killer be the first on your block with three even number RVs!

Good luck and God bless you both.

Congratulations, Paul and Louise!!! :D I just met Paul this past February through this list and by being a friend of Doug. From the few hours I spent with him at and near his home airport, I could tell he was a special guy worthy of an equally special woman. I haven't met Louise yet, but it sounds like she is equally special.

I must say I could see some hints of an engagement based on Paul's itineraries and some posts about modifying or adding rear seat controls for the Val. Throttle and rudder pedals...IIRC.

Also, all this talk about Louise's RV-6 begs a question. Isn't that somewhat of a "special" RV-6? Seems like the N-number hints to us who built it. A quick check of the FAA registration says something about it being formerly associated with Mike Seager. Sounds like a special -6 to me!

Thanks for sharing the good news with us. My hope and wish are for many happy years together for you two.

rv7boy said:
Also, all this talk about Louise's RV-6 begs a question. Isn't that somewhat of a "special" RV-6? Seems like the N-number hints to us who built it. A quick check of the FAA registration says something about it being formerly associated with Mike Seager. Sounds like a special -6 to me!

Yes, it's a very special RV and Mike built it well. Fourth -6 kit out of the factory and finished in 1990. I think there's a very good chance that we will be the first(?) family with three even numbered RV's in the hanger. ;) However, that might mean extending our careers in different states before the marriage in order to afford such luxury!

Please let me express my sincere thanks to everyone for the good wishes. This is a wonderful community. While we don't expect to marry before the fall, we do hope to see many of you at LOE. (We've already decided on the Val for that trip.)
You need a 10 quickly!

First, congratulations. But, you have to build the 10 first, then find a preacher who flies. What would be better than a formation wedding ceremony!
dhusk said:
First, congratulations. But, you have to build the 10 first, then find a preacher who flies. What would be better than a formation wedding ceremony!

That would be cool. My uncle was married on a DC-3.
did you answer his ad?

I seem to remember Paul posting this ad awhile back:

Wanted: Good woman who can cook and rivet and owns an RV. Please send picture of RV!! :) :). Congratulations to both of you! ;) :D
Ya funny

How life changes that is...

I remember being miserable one minute and the having the girl of my dreams agreeing to marry me 6 weeks later!

And as this was the second time round for me I was very picky about the qualities I was looking for, so this was no snap decision.

After seven years I realise it was the best decision I ever made...:)

Awesome to see the same story played out!
