
Well Known Member
Now that I have that little piece of paper titled "Airworthiness certificate" I'm considering where to display it. The letter of the law would have it taped to the inside of the canopy. A practical location would be inside the POH. But that wont meet requirements. Since the -8 is limited in real estate seems options are few.

Where do others have it displayed?
I have mine "displayed" in a toolbox attached to the rear baggage floor. If need be, it can be quickly retrieved.

Mine are in a transparent faced pouch w self adhesive backing on the right side mid fuselage wall. Works well. Will try to post a pic
Ditto. Same location just above right pax footwell; I used one large enough to hold Airworthiness, Registration, Operating Limitations, W&B info all in one spot. Held in place with velcro, 10 years and it's holding up just fine.

I used this from Aircraft Spruce;

I keep my aforementioned documents in clear faced pouch just behind the triangular brace at lower right of canopy bow, clearly visable from outside.
I have mine "displayed" in a toolbox attached to the rear baggage floor. If need be, it can be quickly retrieved.

Sec. 91.203

(b) No person may operate a civil aircraft unless the airworthiness certificate required by paragraph (a) of this section or a special flight authorization issued under Sec. 91.715 is displayed at the cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to passengers or crew.

My guess is that your airplane is a ramp check waiting to happen.....

It is generally accepted that as long as it is visible and possible to see that it is present when entering or sitting in the cockpit/cabin, you are considered to be in compliance (I.E., it is not expect it to be readable from every entrance to the airplane).
+ 1 for right side above foot well.

ACS has a nice two pocket pouch that has a Velcro strip on the back. I don't have the part number with me but it is in the catalog. It works very well as you can just reach in and peal it off the wall anytime you wish to look at the paperwork. We put the pink slip on the outside and the rest of the paper work behind that. You can see it and know what it is while looking in from the Ramp or as you inter or set in the seats. I put it as one of the first items in the POHB to check on the per-flight along with current charts if needed. Got to keep those FSDO guys happy. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888

P.S. I would not do this for just anyone, but I see it is Brad. The ACS P/N is 13-01134 @ $17.50 U.S.
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Don't Forget!

Don't forget that your "Operating Limitations" document is part of your airworthiness certificate and the originally signed limitation's document must be in the aircraft at all times. This is different than certified aircraft with some owners of experimental aircraft not realizing this and leaving it at home with their aircraft records.

I keep all my ARROOW (Airworthiness, faa Registration, state Registration, faa Operating limitations, pilot's Operating handbook, and Weight and balance) in the aircraft at all times. The Airworthiness is on top of these documents in a clear plastic pouch beside the pilot's seat and my POH is between the seats and includes my checklist, normal operating procedures, emergency procedures and an aircraft systems guide. It's a little thick (military plastic checklist style) but it's immediately available when I need to review something in flight. It's all part of trying to follow the rules and act as professionally as possible.