Hello fellow AV8ors

Does anyone know if there is a master Configuration Management document that will tell me the latest revision of the technical data (drawings) I’m looking at?

I know I can go page by page to all the KAI updates on the Vans website but, that’s a time consuming task that I would think is already done and published and kept up- to-date, I just can’t find it.

I ask because I have a drawing that I received >8 months after a change was made and my copy does not reflect the change. I want to check the entire package before I move on.

Note to Vans: I recommend the first page of each section reflect the latest change within that section. If I look at page one and it’s “change 0”, I shouldn’t have to look any further within that section. If one page in a given section is change 2 and another page is change 3, the cover page for that section should reflect change 3 (the last change within the section) and tell me (perhaps in a table) what change within applies to each page. No need to look at every page and compare against a website to determine if the document in my hand is up to date. -just saying :)
Unfortunately, I don't know of any way other than to download the latest from Van's store and compare page by page. While some changes get listed on the Service Information and Revisions page of Van's website, not all do. So you can't depend on this.