
Well Known Member
Well today started the year out in a good manner. I have been so busy with business year end stuff that even though I got the shop pretty well wrapped up in mid Dec I had not had much time to work on anything. :(

Tom Olson, my tech inspector, drove down from Cedar Rapids on Wed and looked over all that was done on the HS and told me to start pounding rivets. So today I finally got some time and did it. This is fun! :D Assembling things is much better than drilling, deburring, dimpling, cleaning, etching, priming, etc. Finally I have a finished part. It isn't perfect but I am very happy with how it turned out. It amazes me how smooth the rivet heads are on the skin, I know they are supposed to be, but I'm still amazed.

I know there are a whole lot more parts to build but am actually looking forward to it even more than I had been.

Sorry to ramble but I had to show someone! :)

That looks terrific, John!!! You'll be amazed at how fast it will go if you just set aside a couple hours a day and a few more over the weekends. I always found that if you get stuck on anything, go work on something else til you get any issues resolved. That way you will always be making forward progress toward that magnificent day when your bird leaves the nest.

Best of luck,

Down Force

Looks great but I highly recommend the spoiler be positioned for DOWN Force. Hate to see the Crotch Rocket go airborne :D

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
Biker T-shirts

Somehow the T-shirt "If you can read this, the empennage fell off." on the back just doesn't have the same ring to it. :)

By the way, watch those steep turns.
It does feel good to have my first part done. Addictive though, now I want more done!

Roberts, good advice, I will be trying to do something everyday as it does add up. Plus then maybe I won't forget what I am working on.

Airzuki, I kind of like that! That one took me ot Alaska and back in 2004. Maybe next time I go I can fly my RV.

Actually the bike has been airborne before, :eek: once is enough though. Don't think the spolier would have helped.

I would agree on the t-shirt comment. :D