
The title says it all.

I just REALLY want to build for the experience and sense of accomplishment. I'm just wondering if yall think I can get out without losing my shirt.

I'm thinking RV-12 for many reasons. The fact that it will most likely be a much quicker build than any other model is one of them. I am fortunate to have about 1000 hours spare time. That should do it!

Thanks for your input,

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The short answer is yes for an RV-3 through -10. The -12 is a bit of an unknown.

BTW, I'm thinking of starting a Pitts S1c LSA, if I can work out the details.
An LSA Pitts? You know, that might work. I think the first Pitts had a 85hp engine and was very light weight. If the stall speed is within LSA, it would meet everything else and be a real blast to fly. Cheap to build too. Go for it!

....for the cost of parts. The other problems you might face, is whether or not it has a modern, sought after glass cockpit. Radios? Seems to me the trend in the RV world is toward the high-dollar bells and whistles. I recently gave a new -9 owner some dual in his...get this...$30,000 instrument panel equipped airplane.

Methinks you'd have a harder time selling a steam gauge equipped airplane these days.

Welcome to VAF,
The short answer is yes for an RV-3 through -10. The -12 is a bit of an unknown.

BTW, I'm thinking of starting a Pitts S1c LSA, if I can work out the details.

Steen Aero sells S-1C plans and they list a 57 mph TAS stall. Now if you could shave off 5 mph, you'd be in business. Seems like a lot to ask without changing the design.

Budd Davisson flew the 65 hp. No. 1 Pitts replica, empty weight 507 lbs. and claimed a 45-50 mph touchdown speed. Now that sounds like LSA territory.

Not sure about breaking even

I have thought a lot about this. I have put some expensive items in my plane (leather, cs prop, afs efis, quick build) and from what I see in the re-sale listings I would be lucky to recoup the actual cost of the items that went into the plane never mind any of the time. I hope I am wrong when that day comes but I am nit holding my breath.
I recently gave a new -9 owner some dual in his...get this...$30,000 instrument panel equipped airplane.

Pierre, you might be amazed to know that some of the custom-built, high-end, dual glass RV panels are busting $60K........

The times.....they are a-changin'........ :)
If you are doing for the fun of building it, then why not find a builder in your area and offer to help. You will not need to invest any of your funds and you will be very much appreciated. I know I would have loved to have a partner building my project.


Good idea!

Alternatively I could look for someone who wants to build a 12 in my area and see if we can work something out. I really like the idea of a 12 due to the matched hole and pulled rivet construction. I am convinced that this will be Vans quickest build by far and that makes it the most doable project. Being involved from the first rivet to the last would be nice.

Thanks for your thoughts on this somewhat unusual question.
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If you are doing for the fun of building it, then why not find a builder in your area and offer to help. You will not need to invest any of your funds and you will be very much appreciated. I know I would have loved to have a partner building my project.


That is an awesome idea!!! You will learn an amazing amount too!
Cheap Pitts?

No way! I built a Pitts S1S back in the early 80's and even then, it was not cheap! It is also very labor intensive. By the time you finish it, you might have a hard time parting with it! The Pitts is one of the best flying airplanes I have ever flown. It is also the most challenging airplane I have ever landed. A completely out of rig RV taildragger would be a real snooze to land compared to a single seat Pitts!

If you take the time to master the little beast, you will have the experience of your flying life. It just won't be cheap!

The white haired gentleman in the cockpit is my flight instructor and father. I'm smiling because he just landed from his first flight in the Pitts, and both pilot and plane are fine!

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