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Earl Findlay

Active Member
I’m back in the dating scene. For the first date, I usually take ladies flying. Inevitably the question comes up of who makes the airplane. I usually just tell them vans because they don’t know better and I don’t want to tell them it’s kit built in fear of scaring them away. I tell them it’s experimental because of the engine that is in it, and they usually just shrug it off. I figure nobody would want to fly in the airplane if they knew somebody made it in their garage

But when you take ladies flying do you tell them it’s a kit or do you lie and just say it’s a vans so as to not scare them?
I did..

I did, in fact, we started dating when I was finishing and final assembly. She was there for first flight, then was first passenger at 40.1 hrs. A year later, we got married in it at 5280 feet over the airport in formation.. I found a keeper! Your results may vary, but a bit if explanation goes along way before the ride.
My question is did you build it? If so go ahead and tell them so. I find the truth is always best. Besides if she’s not into it now she never will be. And I never tell a lady I fly, till I know them better. Why waste the fuel on someone just trying to please/impress you. Or worse yet thay think you’re a rich guy just trying to impress them. And then thay see dollar signs. Better to have them like you for who you are.

I’m back in the dating scene. For the first date, I usually take ladies flying. Inevitably the question comes up of who makes the airplane. I usually just tell them vans because they don’t know better and I don’t want to tell them it’s kit built in fear of scaring them away. I tell them it’s experimental because of the engine that is in it, and they usually just shrug it off. I figure nobody would want to fly in the airplane if they knew somebody made it in their garage
But when you take ladies flying do you tell them it’s a kit or do you lie and just say it’s a vans so as to not scare them?

FAR Part §91.319(d)(1) states: "Each person operating an aircraft that has an Experimental Certificate shall---(1) Advise each person carried of the experimental nature of the aircraft...."
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Girls who fly........

Default to the truth and let the chicks fall where they may, I’d say.

THAT was funny!!:D:D

People usually know I am a pilot early on in our relationship. Sometimes "When are you going to take me up?" is the next statement. I have taken quite a few people up in both the Cub and SuzieQ. I don't hesitate to tell them, proudly, that I actually BUILT this airplane! They are usually impressed and want to know more! If they are hesitant, telling them this airplane has over 1,200 hours of being in the air and will likely be just fine for the next hour they are up with me. That can help but I don't remember ever having to talk someone into a ride. Well, there was Brian. He HATED to fly in anything but we had an amazing hour in SuzieQ and, after, sent me a framed picture of the two of us next to the airplane and the frame was engraved "MAGIC"! He has had much less anxiety flying since our flight.

There is that plaque in Experimental aircraft that must be visible to them saying "amateur built" and telling them ahead of time might just avoid a discussion after you have left the ground with them reading that.......

It is no different, in some ways, than telling them the Cub was born in 1946, is made of steel tube and covered in fabric, but she and I have spent over 2,300 in the air together. I MAY be able to eek another hour or two out of her.........

If I am planning to be associated with someone, they don't have to like flying but it sure adds to the enjoyment of our relationship. Then, most of the people I hang out with are pilots or love to fly, my partner being one of them. In fact, I met her at OSH! Most of the people I have taken up have ASKED me to take them flying!

Be honest. Be yourself; everyone else has been spoken for....
As Mel said, if you don’t inform them that they are about to fly in an experimental amateur built airplane you are not complying with the FARs. That is risking not only your passengers right to know it’s also risking your license.

Not something I would recommend.

We have been married 35 years. Sweetie can't wait to fly in our Lucy. I tell her every time I spend anything.
If you're not serious, you're call. It's youre certificate.
If you want a relationship, ALWAYS tell the truth. Women are all psychic. She will know. :D
I don't have a flying RV yet, but several times I've had passengers ask, on seeing me pick up a checklist, if I needed to use the instructions to fly it ...
If flying is your passion, or at least one of your serious avocations, why would you want to waste precious time with someone who doesn't at least understand and support it? If I were single, and a prospective date (or more) looked askance at my hobby (building or flying my own airplane), I'd probably move on to greener pastures. :)

A relative of mine had a restored 50's Ford pickup truck many years ago. He said he went to pick up a date in it, she looked at the truck and said, "Oh, we're going in that (derisive tone)?" "Nope" he replied, got in and drove away. Several years later, a date said "Oh, neat! Is that your truck? Are we going in that?" They married shortly after that. :)

Life's too short to try to make yourself into something someone else wants you to be. Just tell them the truth and whatever happens, happens.

Originally Posted by PilotjohnS
Nice post but i think you spelled psychic wrong.

I thought it was a nice play on words.
Chicks are psychic, or maybe psychick.

A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception to identify information hidden from the normal senses.

physic: medicine, especially a cathartic.
The amateur built verbiage on the instrument panel is all that the pilot is required to show. There is no need to verbally advise passengers that the aircraft is amateur built.

As I mentioned, if a lady asks me about the experimental nature of the aircraft, I simply tell them because it has a different engine in it than what is certified. I find this puts them at ease.

One thing that I have learned about women during my years of dating is that you must be smooth. :cool: :D
I don't have a flying RV yet, but several times I've had passengers ask, on seeing me pick up a checklist, if I needed to use the instructions to fly it ...

My ex used to ask me the same thing. But, after not using a checklist, and nearly gearing up a cezzna 210 I now always use the checklist. It is not worth the risk
As Mel said, if you don’t inform them that they are about to fly in an experimental amateur built airplane you are not complying with the FARs. That is risking not only your passengers right to know it’s also risking your license.

Not something I would recommend.

Are you saying that the instrument panel advisory isn’t enough?
The amateur built verbiage on the instrument panel is all that the pilot is required to show. There is no need to verbally advise passengers that the aircraft is amateur built.

As I mentioned, if a lady asks me about the experimental nature of the aircraft, I simply tell them because it has a different engine in it than what is certified. I find this puts them at ease.

One thing that I have learned about women during my years of dating is that you must be smooth. :cool: :D

In other words, you lie to your passengers....wrong, wrong, wrong!

You’re not doing aviation any favors.
In other words, you lie to your passengers....wrong, wrong, wrong!

You’re not doing aviation any favors.

Ouch. I’m definitely not lying to my passengers. My engine is in fact a YO360 which means that the engine is in fact experimental. Granted that perhaps I am not telling the whole story, but I’m doing so in order not to concern my passenger. Certainly not risking safety with leaving part of the story at. Anyhow, the airplane was made by a retired Lockheed engineer. Doesn’t that basically make it a Lockheed RV-7A? ;) :D
Ouch. I’m definitely not lying to my passengers. My engine is in fact a YO360 which means that the engine is in fact experimental. Granted that perhaps I am not telling the whole story, but I’m doing so in order not to concern my passenger. Certainly not risking safety with leaving part of the story at. Anyhow, the airplane was made by a retired Lockheed engineer. Doesn’t that basically make it a Lockheed RV-7A? ;) :D

And how do you think she's going to react when she finds out that you started the relationship by not being honest with her?

Instead of tricking her by too-clever-by-half wordplay, why not, you know, *listen* to her concerns and discuss them, and provide open, honest information?

Maybe it's just me, but I always figured that the women (well, anyone, really) in my life deserved better than to be hoodwinked. And as noted, this sort of thing doesn't put EAB in a very good light.
I know this is a troll post, but I'll bite anyway!

If I'm having to convince someone to get into a small aircraft with me, I probably don't want them in there. No matter what she looks like! :D

People on this journal love to say that somebody is a troll when they don’t agree with them. I am not a troll, and as a matter of fact, have met many members of this site, both individually, and at the windy 2020 social.
And how do you think she's going to react when she finds out that you started the relationship by not being honest with her?

Instead of tricking her by too-clever-by-half wordplay, why not, you know, *listen* to her concerns and discuss them, and provide open, honest information?

Maybe it's just me, but I always figured that the women (well, anyone, really) in my life deserved better than to be hoodwinked. And as noted, this sort of thing doesn't put EAB in a very good light.

1. She won’t find out. 2. This is such a small thing, it’s truly no big deal. 3. She isn’t expressing her concerns, so there’s nothing to listen to. I am simply taking care of the issue before it becomes an issue by explaining why it says experimental on it. Ladies really are not too keen on flying in an airplane for the first time that’s labeled experimental. 4. No harm to EAB. She doesn’t even know or care what the **** EAB is. She just wants a safe trip, which I always provide.

Remember, we are flying an RV here. Explaining that the **** thing was built in somebody’s garage is probably more detrimental to the model than simply skipping over that fact.
chick or not, anybody coming along knows the whole flight will be experimental, and that includes the aircraft :D
I've been solo for over 23 years and dated on & off the whole time, if there's one thing I've learned about women and that is keep the two separate as much as possible, aviation & women don't often mix!:D
The few I've had to take flying in my RV never worked out well anyway!:D
The giant word "EXPERIMENTAL" that's plastered on the inside of the canopy skirt usually causes them more concern than the fact that it's a kit plane.

In my experience.
1. She won’t find out. 2. This is such a small thing, it’s truly no big deal. 3. She isn’t expressing her concerns, so there’s nothing to listen to. I am simply taking care of the issue before it becomes an issue by explaining why it says experimental on it. Ladies really are not too keen on flying in an airplane for the first time that’s labeled experimental. 4. No harm to EAB. She doesn’t even know or care what the **** EAB is. She just wants a safe trip, which I always provide.

Remember, we are flying an RV here. Explaining that the **** thing was built in somebody’s garage is probably more detrimental to the model than simply skipping over that fact.

You sure are going to a lot of effort to justify why you're lying to a girl you've just started dating.. ;)
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Are you saying that the instrument panel advisory isn’t enough?

[1] YEP, That what I'm saying! [2] The experimental engine is NOT what makes the aircraft "Experimental"!

[3] You also tell them, according to your first post, that Vans makes the airplane. That is also not true.

[4] "the airplane was made by a retired Lockheed engineer. Doesn’t that basically make it a Lockheed RV-7A?" I think Lockheed might take exception to that.

Remember Guys, This is Earl.
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Am I the only one here that understands women?

Of course you tell her you built it.

Her first thought will be “Great! He’ll save us a fortune by fixing things around the house!”

Note: this is based on a sample size of one. YMMV.
It’s against the FARs not to tell them. Nuff said. Locking it.

I deleted a lot of the replies here. Please review the posting rules, especially the part about staying civil. Nice and polite is the rule of the day here, and I don’t care about how other social media sites do it.

Polite and civil or don’t participate. I've grown weary of the lack of civility and will lock the accounts of those who don't follow the posting rules.

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