Well Known Member
Subject: RV-12 & RV Flight Instructor Recommendation

Are you looking for an Instructor for initial, transition, or continuing education training in an RV-12, or for that matter any Van?s RV aircraft?

I have a great suggestion, John Palese, of JPFLi LLC.

John is an ATP CFII who has been a CFI since 1976. He has over 17000 hours of flying time and beaucoup experience in general aviation aircraft, as a Captain and Check Airman at American Airlines, and as an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel & Command Pilot.

I am nearly 70 years of age and John did for me what no other instructor could; in fact the instructor I had before John told me ?buying my RV-12 S-LSA was a mistake, because I?d never solo it yet alone get my license.?

Less than one month after John assumed responsibility for my training, I soloed.

John is a great communicator and a people person above and beyond being a great pilot and instructor. He was able to see both what I did right and what I did wrong and most importantly properly analyze, communicate, and correct the flying deficiencies I once had. John used his vast know-how to build me up and make learning to fly a great experience.

My RV-12 is nicely equipped with a Dynon Skyview and auto-pilot. John not only taught me how to run the Dynon suite, more importantly, he showed me how to manage it and integrate the Dynon with looking out the window and flying the airplane first - putting the electronics in their proper place as a valuable tool and source of information rather than a ?heads down display?.

I am grateful for John?s diligence, patience, and sequential, organized instruction. I can whole heartedly recommend John as an instructor in any aircraft for any rating, but especially in the Van?s line of aircraft. If you want to learn how to integrate an EFIS or auto-pilot into your flying, John?s the guy to call.

If you?d like to discuss my experience further, please feel free to contact me via e-mail: [email protected].

You can of course contact John directly: [email protected].
Excellent ..

and I always enjoy reading the good experiences people have had. Congratulatioms and I hope you have many joyous years of flight ahead of you.