
Legacy Member
I found this site. It is how one (large) guy rates different aircraft based on comfort.

For those who are thinking about building an RV or other plane, it is worth a look.


(I'm not really sure where this should go. Moderators, please move it as needed.)
Thanks for the website. I happen to be the same dimensions as the author. His 2.5 "fit" rating on the RV-7 makes me a bit nervous about by 6. However, I am building my plane to accomodate a pilot my size which should help.

I'm 6ft and 185 and the RV6A seemed tight at first due to the transition from a C210. The more I'm in the better it fits. It's only tight at the left shoulder but just fine elsewhere.
I noticed that the RV-10 was the only airplane on this guy's list to receive his highest rating. It is indeed a roomy airplane.

Not much can be done about height, but a lot can be done about weight (I'm the guy in the middle). Get off the couch and move people! :) Click here for a before shot.

Lack of data

This website, although well intentioned, is flawed by a lack of data. Humans come in a lot of different sizes that cannot be boiled down to height and weight. You can take two males, both 200 lbs and 6 Feet and find that one of them is perfectly happy in a specific airplane while the other is miserable. Body shape and leg length are the missing factors. Perhaps we could use suit sizes, "I'm a 44 long with a 34in inseam" would say a lot more than 200lbs and 6 feet. I made the decision on my '8' the simple way, I tried one on "for size."

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAA FAAST Team Member
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"