Both my accountant and the lawyer that set mine up last year say yes.

It's a new thing driven by the part of the Justice Department thet deals with financial crimes, money laundering etc. It was explained to me that it's an effort to get a handle on all the corporations that are small enough they don't already have reporting requirements which currently makes it easy for them to have hidden ownership ties to non-citizens and other questionable entities.

Lawyers and accountants will do it for you for a fee, but I just went to the website yesterday and did it myself. It only took about 10 minutes. You basically just list everybody who has an ownership interest in the LLC, along with their SSN and a picture of a driver's license or passport.
Lawyers and accountants will do it for you for a fee, but I just went to the website yesterday and did it myself. It only took about 10 minutes. You basically just list everybody who has an ownership interest in the LLC, along with their SSN and a picture of a driver's license or passport.

Recommendation from my attorney was set up your own account. Upload all of the information and then any org you are a beneficial owner you just share your FINCEN ID.
Yes. As of January 1, 2024, most LLCs must report BOI to the Feds. The reporting deadline is Jan 1, 2025. There are some exemptions, but an LLC for owning an airplane isn't one of them.

To clarify a point: The deadline is Jan 1 2025 for LLC's that were set up prior to Jan 1 2024. An LLC set up in 2024 has 60 days to file, and after Jan 1 2025 the requirement becomes 30 days.

You also have to do the normal stuff you would expect with regard to keeping current addresses and members or whatever. When you file you get a number called a FINCEN number similar to how the FAA gives you a FTN number so that subsequently you can just log in and use that number as your ID to update stuff.

There are the usual dire warnings of fines of $500 per day up to a max of $10k &/or a two year vacation in club fed if you don't comply. My accountant says that some people have lawyered up about this so there's a chance it will be struck down but as of now it's the law of the land.