
Well Known Member
I started wondering last night about my audio needs...I hope to be able to support my needs with an intercom only, but now I'm not so sure. My Enigma talks, my traffic detector talks, and I need the standard radio/intercom communication as well.

Is all this possible with an intercom? Or do I need to find an audio panel now?

You have an Icom, don't you Chad? It has 3 auxiliary audio inputs that can take feeds from your EFIS/EMS/GPS or others. Your intercomm should have at least one auxiliary audio in as well.
DOH!! Forgot about that! Nevermind...nevermind. The Icom will do what I need...:eek::eek: Phew! That slowed my heart rate down...I don't have to add another grand+ to the finishing budget! Woohoo!:)

To solve my EFIS/EMS/etc. audio interconnect issues I went with the iCom radio simply because it has three mono-inputs. The radio is then wired to the intercom. This works great but ...

It limits me to one stereo input, no cell phone input, one radio, and more. In other words, it limits my growth.

If I were building today, I would put the $275 I spent on the stereo intercom towards the $795 Garman GMA-240. It is "only" a $500 hit for the audio panel and it will make future upgrades much easier.

However, if you are going to stay VFR only, never install a 2nd radio, etc. it will be $500 in overkill.
One Way to Do It

This is how I'm doing it w/o an audio panel:

Using a PS Engr PM3000 Intercom (great reputation), Vern Little's AMX-2A 10 channel Audio Mixer/Amplifier, plus a Garmin 430W, Icom A6 (wired into power, audio, and mic), GTX330 Xpdr, and Garmin 496 (wired into power and audio).
  • Mic from 430W and I6 both go to a 4PDT switch and then to the PM3000
  • The audio from the 430W comm goes straight into the PM3000.
  • The 430W nav audio goes into the AMX
  • The A6 audio goes into the AMX
  • The GTX330 audio goes into the AMX
  • Mono output from the Garmin 496 goes into the AMX
  • Stereo output from the Garmin 496, and stereo from a panel jack both get routed to a 4PDT switch and then to the PM3000 stereo input
  • AMX output goes to PM3000 Aux input

A poor man's audio panel, but simpler too. Anything else I add that spits out mono audio can easily be added to the AMX. It has 4 adjustable inputs and 6 fixed. Here's how it will look, click for bigger:

Hope this helps,

You can easily make a passive audio mixer using resisters from Radio Shack/fry's, etc.

Here's how I did it:

I use it with the DRE intercom. I have my XM radio piped into the DRE's stereo input and everything else goes through the mixer. I have my 496 alerts, EFIS and EMS alerts going through there. I've thought about adding one of the little portable collision avoidance systems and that would of course go in there without a problem as well.

Works well. For my current setup and equipment I would never need an audio panel.

In fact, most RV panels you see today don't need full-blown audio panels. It cracks me up when you see a panel with an SL-30, a transponder and an audio panel. IMHO audio panels are only good if you want to switch audio sources on and off...you don't need them for unswitched inputs.

The new Garmin non-tso'd audio panel is nice though, and very tempting.
Since I eventually ended up with two radios, a Garmin SL40 & Icom A 210; I recently remodeled my radio stack & added a PS Engineering 8000B. If it wasn't for the notion of someday converting to full IFR with marker beacons, and the fact that I have an external speaker...............I'd go with that non- TSO'd Garmin that's been mentioned. If just one radio, I'd use a seperate intercom as I previously had.

L.Adamson -- RV6A