
Well Known Member
far 91.207 part F says when a elt is not required. (4) Aircraft while engaged in flight operations incident to design and testing. so even in phase 2 of your limitations would you need any type of elt?
Short answer -- yes.

IMO based upon my interpretation of 8130 and my own OPLIMS is that Phase I is "flight testing" and Phase II is "operations". I'm pretty sure no one will buy the argument that Phase II ops is "testing" thereby nullifying the 91.207 (a) requirement, unless of course it's a single seat only aircraft then sub para (f)(9) applies.
Nice try :rolleyes:
Well, maybe if you agreed to remain within the test area specified for Phase 1 while in Phase 2 :eek:
Phase 2 OP Lims state you need to be equipped per all the relevant FAR's (don't have them memorized or in front of me) and the ELT requirement is in there. I doubt there is a DAR that will issue your airworthiness certificate without one.
If you had built an RV-3, you wouldn't need one as they are not required in single place airplanes.

Here's a thought, and I haven't looked up the regs, if you had an APRS system installed, could you call that your ELT? I guess the question is, how do they define and ELT?
If you had built an RV-3, you wouldn't need one as they are not required in single place airplanes.

Here's a thought, and I haven't looked up the regs, if you had an APRS system installed, could you call that your ELT? I guess the question is, how do they define and ELT?

ELTs are defined by TSO C-126 andTSO C-91a. APRS systems do not meet the TSO specification.
far 91.207 part F says when a elt is not required. (4) Aircraft while engaged in flight operations incident to design and testing. so even in phase 2 of your limitations would you need any type of elt?

As others have said, yes it is required in Phase II. IF you do not have one installed for your initial airworthiness inspect of a 2 or more seat aircraft, expect OpLims issued only for phase I and you will be required to PAY for a 2nd visit of the DAR to get Phase II OpLims. Typically OpLims are issued with Unlimited duration at the first visit. IF the aircraft is not equipped for Phase II operations during the inspection, expect to PAY the DAR for a 2nd visit. Typically the cost of the 2nd visit will be close to the cost of the ELT had you installed it in the first place.
I don't recall the specific FAR but I'm pretty sure that an ELT is not required for flights within a 50 mile radius from your home base. Single seat planes do not require an ELT at all.
You might want to check with your specific DAR, but there probably is no reason for the plane to be denied an airworthiness certificate. The same would apply to not having a radio, transponder, lights for night flights or any other item that is not specifically required for flight according to the FARs.
You may not be legal to fly it, depending on the airspace you are in, due to not having a txp or radio, etc., but the plane could certainly be air worthy.
My first exp build was inspected with out lights and was day VFR only, but once the lights were installed, a second inspection was not required, just a log book entry to make it night VFR capable. I would think the same rule would apply to ELTs.
Just my two cents worth.
I don't recall the specific FAR but I'm pretty sure that an ELT is not required for flights within a 50 mile radius from your home base.

It's 91.207 (f)(3) and it applies to training. Note sub para (f) is all the ELT exemptions. Here's the actual wording:
"(3) Aircraft while engaged in training operations conducted entirely within a 50-nautical mile radius of the airport from which such local flight operations began"
Here's a perspective worthy of consideration.

Do you carry any form of life insurance?

If you answered in the affirmative, then your family will certainly appreciate the ELT signal that expeditiously leads to your body being discovered in the wreckage, thus also leading to expeditious settlement of your life insurance claim.

ELT's aren't just about YOU. Think about it.