Well Known Member
Just wanted to give you guys some feedback on the DJM tail wheel. I have been doing my conditional inspection for the last two weeks. During the inspection I found that the tail wheel had some play (side to side). The bearings looked ok but I did notice that the inner spacers had signs of wear

I decided to install a DJM tail wheel. I contacted Dayton Murdock on VAF and a few days later the tail wheel showed up. The swap was very simple. I used washers as spacers and had it installed in about 5 minutes. I did not think it would make much of a difference but I was wrong.

-As soon as I pushed the plane out of the hangar I noticed that the plane was quiet. I ran over the door rails and it did not sound like the plane was going to fall apart.

-As I started to taxied, I notice that a muffled “tud” sound was heard versus the old “bang” as I taxied over cracks.

-As I continue to taxi, the ground handling felt smooth, solid and crisp. Same way during take offs and landings.

I was really surprised that something as simple and small as a tail wheel would have such a noticeable impact on the aircraft. As I put my plane away I noticed that I was very happy with the flight experience. Then I told myself that I needed to write some feedback so others could potentially give it a try.

Attached are some pics of before and after. BTW, if you saw the video of the tail wheel assemble testing, that is the same tail wheel. If it can handle that abuse without any failure, I think it can handle my paved runway without any problems.


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Good timing Axel. I just took this picture on Friday (I too am doing my condition inspection.) and called Dayton with the numbers.

It has 201.5 hours and 354 lands, most of which were on pavement.

In all that time, it has only lost 1/8" in diameter. It is hard to tell in the picture but it is 5-3/8" in diameter, down from 5-1/2" when new.

With its sealed bearings, all I did was clean it and put it back on.

DJM Tailwheel Review

I too have the DJM tail wheel and think the world of it (and Dayton). It is a very smooth and quiet tail wheel. I like how it "grips" the payment. I have had it on my plane from day 1, and would recommend it without hesitation.

I have had "one" of the first Wheels from Dayton. I have not measured it or kept up with the times or landings,,,, but it has given me good service, shows no wear, and gets a lot of landings,
It has made me more popular, better looking, faster, and improved my memory. I think I will keep it! ;) :D
Good going Dayton!!
I have had "one" of the first Wheels from Dayton. I have not measured it or kept up with the times or landings,,,, but it has given me good service, shows no wear, and gets a lot of landings,
It has made me more popular, better looking, faster, and improved my memory. I think I will keep it! ;) :D
Good going Dayton!!

That is funny!
Actually, it's not just the tailwheel. When you hang around Dayton you actually do get better looking! (sorry Dayton, couldn't resist.)
Food for thought; Dayton lives near Dayton Valley. Paul and Louise are moving to Dayton Valley. I am not sure what is going on but I am determined to put the pieces together with this whole Dayton thing.:eek:

PS - Dayon's tailwheel is excellent. I only ran it a short time as it was a bit too light for me c.g. wise. If you need weight off the back, or just a really good tailwheel, his is a great product.
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Thanks, I have already talked with them and I need some detail about the tire and wheel that I didn't get.

Plus 1

+1 for this wheel/tire. I've had one for a couple of years now and it is so much better than the standard wheel/tire that comes with the kits. Much softer ride, less noise, less vibration. It's worth the price.

Before I get a bunch more recommendations I'll say I already have one and have used it for about 400 hours. What I need is info regarding how the tire is bonded to the rim.

One hot day last summer the tire came off of the rim. I talked with one of the guys at flyboy last summer. I tried gluing it back on with proseal and that didn't work. I am trying 3M scotch grip now, still on the bench so I don't know how this might hold up.

I'm happy enough with the product, but I am just a tiny bit hesitant to purchase a second one knowing how the first one turned out.

I'm all ears if anyone wants to suggest a glue to attempt bonding the tire back onto the rim.

EDIT: I just wanted to add, thanks for the replies! I read my response and didn't want anyone to feel like I wasn't grateful for the recommendations and feedback. if I can glue this back together I will, I've been running the stock wheel since the failure and will have to decide if I want to splurge for another lightweight version.

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I'm not sure what information you were given. If it was to glue the tire on with Proseal then I'll have to find out if the dog has been answering our tech support phone. ;)

If I recall from talking to Dayton, the rubber is molded and vulcanized to the hub, not glued per se. Certainly, gluing the rubber back on in the rare cases that it comes off isn't recommended.

Dayton did have some separation problems early on with this tire, but that was years ago. We have seen very few problems with these, or our "deluxe" tire, but they are rubber and rubber will tear, rot, burn, etc... and fail occasionally.

Sure, these tires are a bit over a hundred bucks, but how much is your aircraft worth if that tire lets go at the wrong time and you ground loop into a Beech? Just get a new tire!

I had one come of the wheel several years ago. Dayton replaced it and has several hundred hours and no more problems.

I'm not sure what information you were given. If it was to glue the tire on with Proseal then I'll have to find out if the dog has been answering our tech support phone. ;)

The Proseal idea came from an offhanded comment Dayton made when I asked him about this particular case, and I relayed that back to Jim (though I also stated that I wouldn't consider it a recommendation).

So, I guess... WOOF WOOF grrrrr BOW WOW

I'm not sure what information you were given. If it was to glue the tire on with Proseal then I'll have to find out if the dog has been answering our tech support phone. ;)

If I recall from talking to Dayton, the rubber is molded and vulcanized to the hub, not glued per se. Certainly, gluing the rubber back on in the rare cases that it comes off isn't recommended.

Dayton did have some separation problems early on with this tire, but that was years ago. We have seen very few problems with these, or our "deluxe" tire, but they are rubber and rubber will tear, rot, burn, etc... and fail occasionally.

Sure, these tires are a bit over a hundred bucks, but how much is your aircraft worth if that tire lets go at the wrong time and you ground loop into a Beech? Just get a new tire!

Well, with customer support like this I think you might be better off LETTING the dog answer the phone! I understand how rudder pedals work so for now I'll ignore your fear sales tactics and just stick with the stock vans tailwheel so I don't need to carry a spare.

What a disappointment!

Well, with customer support like this I think you might be better off LETTING the dog answer the phone! I understand how rudder pedals work so for now I'll ignore your fear sales tactics and just stick with the stock vans tailwheel so I don't need to carry a spare.

What a disappointment!


All I'm going to add is there are two sides to every story.