
Well Known Member
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and inexpensive. You 3D printer guys ought to come up with version...

Cigar Box

Nice! How did you attach the PVC couplings to the wood? Here's my cigar box version. It ain't pretty but it works:

Nice! How did you attach the PVC couplings to the wood?

Those aren't couplings, they are Tees, and I'm betting he glued a cross-piece in between the two sides, so he has 2 Tees with the "bull-head" glued together then captured between the top and bottom wood pieces. A very nice use of plumbing fittings to make a useful tool.

He did make a grammatical error though; He forgot the "S" on the number 6 plug position. It should read "U-P-P-E-R-S". I presume the other side says: "L-O-W-E-R-S" for uniformity ;-)

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Marc has it right; wish I'd thought of adding the s to upper and lower. For uniformity, my CDO* required the letters to appear on the same pairs of tees. The glue was the most expensive part, although probably not required. At first I tried weaving them together with 550 cord, then using cable ties, but in both instances it was a little floppy. It'd be cool to try a steampunk version, but I need to learn how to solder copper and it would jack the price up.

*CDO =OCD in proper alphabetical order.

I dunno, you could add the S to "upper", then add it to the beginning o the word "Lower". It would read Slower.... Nah, never mind. OCD rules!

Cool tool

This turned out OK:


and inexpensive. You 3D printer guys ought to come up with version...


I like it, and be flattered.
I'm adopting it to my bird.

Dues compliant 2016