Guy Prevost

Well Known Member

I just drilled my flap hinge to the wing. I used an AN257-P4 hinge on the wing side to get the trailing edge of the flap perfectly aligned with aileron, but I didn't pay too much attention to the distance between the flap and aileron. I've got a 5/16" gap, which seems to be about 1/8" more than I really need. I can't find any suggestions in the plans or instructions. What are people usually shooting for as far as that gap?

As I recall, the 6&7's call for 1/4" gap between. I am guessing that the 4&8's are the same.

I had to phone a friend for this info too. It is hidden deep on the plans someplace. I missed it too.

:) CJ

DWG #7 (For the RV-7) shows a 1/4" near the bottom of the drawing for the gap between the Aileron and flap.
Close enough, no?

If it were my airplane, I'd say 5/16" is pretty close to the required 1/4". Mine came in at about 1/4". Better too much than too little, I'd say...mechanical interference being much more serious than a small aero loss.
fodrv7 said:
DWG #7 (For the RV-7) shows a 1/4" near the bottom of the drawing for the gap between the Aileron and flap.
This is an old thread but the correct print is DWG #9 for my RV-7A kit. It does show 1/4" gap