
Active Member
Had to replace a faulty Garmin GSU25 ADAHRS. Did all required recalibrations per installation manual. Many personal settings had to be reset. Trim setting display disappeared from PFD. Can’t find how to display it in installation or users manual. It must be there, but I can’t find it. Anybody know how?
Ben Burbridge
Legacy RV12 flying
Dues happily paid
The setting is in the EIS plane GEA inputs tab, along with the MP and CHT setups. You will need to figure out which GP input the trim pot is tied to and then configure it to be the trim setting. Take a look in section 34.4.32 in the install manual for more details.
Trim Position

Had to replace a faulty Garmin GSU25 ADAHRS. Did all required recalibrations per installation manual. Many personal settings had to be reset. Trim setting display disappeared from PFD. Can’t find how to display it in installation or users manual. It must be there, but I can’t find it. Anybody know how?
Ben Burbridge
Legacy RV12 flying
Dues happily paid


If you touch the HSI, and select "More Options", scroll to the bottom and there is a switch to toggle the trim position indicators on and off.


Pitch trim

Thanks Bill, and thanks Justin, for the prompt replies. Just now got out to the hangar. Tried Justin's fix first as it looked easier, and presto! trim is back on the display! Easy as pie- when you know how. Thanks so much.