
Well Known Member

We had a plane (not rv) make an unscheduled landing here for some variety of engine-related IFE. I don't know the details. Landing was fine, no problems. The long tale of woe (purchase, inspection at a shop in fla, etc. . .) is generally not good, but the relevant bit I want to share is the move. The owner decided to move the plane, rather than repair. The owner was not on-site (nor was the ferry pilot) when the 'movers' arrived. The mover was found on some internet site and hired. He had no experience moving planes. His hired help was from craigslist. Literally. They had. . . no plane experience. The only thing that went well was when the guy went around asking 'do you know anything about planes'. I ended up being the 'expert', pointing out things like 'you might should remove the spar bolts' and such. They were nice enough folks, but had no idea what they signed up for. My personal takeaway is, God forbid I need to move my plane someday, I'm going to hire an airplane moving company. Hope your pride and joy never suffers what this plane went through.

I can only imagine. We had a project (Basket case) -6 leave our field the other day. The purchaser loaded it into a Uhaul truck and had only two ratchet straps from Harbor Freight to secure it. And as rough as those guys were while loading, I can only imagine how many more dents it had when it reached its destination.
Gosh Grover---you'd think the guy would have hired an A&P to carefully remove the wings and such, and supervise the loading.
zenith of some variety. no photos. had there been photos, it would have been compulsory to have 'yakety sax' playing in the background.