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Our July newsletter will be going out to those that have subscribed. Included in the July issue will be information regarding shipping of the new Pinpoint Inertial ADAHRS & GADAHRS, and much more.

We are looking forward to seeing you at OSH!!

Josh Brungardt CFII

Sales Manager, Direct To Avionics

(541) 504-8300 office

[email protected]
poor responsiveness

I'd probably have dual Cheltons in my plane right now if Kirk Hammersmith had shown enough interest to bother calling me back as he'd promised. As a result of his poor responsiveness, I went with BMA and GRT.
Hmm, contrary to my experience.

brian said:
I'd probably have dual Cheltons in my plane right now if Kirk Hammersmith had shown enough interest to bother calling me back as he'd promised. As a result of his poor responsiveness, I went with BMA and GRT.

While your experience indeed might have occured. I for one have had nothing but *excellent* service from all the guys at D2A. Kirk directly on numerous occasions, Peter, Josh, etc.

All are outstanding folks and if no matter if you have Chelton or not are always worth the pleasure of stopping by at tradeshows to say Hi.

Kirk is a very busy guy, and because of this has brought in a new Customer Service person. If you really need information, don't rely only on Kirk. The Trio of Josh, Amy, and Jordan can be even more effective than Kirk alone. And if there is something that only Kirk needs to answer, will track him down and make sure he does.

I'm sorry you had this experience, but to move from the CFS system to the BMA or GRT is such a huge step down, that I suspect there was more than just lack of Kirk contact that determined your direction. The testing and certified code base, that the CFS system is derived from puts them in two different leagues.

Anyway, the contact page for those looking for information is

I'm sure they are going to be very busy with OSH approaching, so utiliize the various contact points effectively.
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I will say that I had an earlier experience with Kirk in 2005 from a timing standpoint for information that left me puzzled. I wrote it off as too much to do, too little time to get it done. They were early in their business development back then. I still bought the product.
Amy, Josh and Jordan have absolutely been the best team that I can comment on from recent experience. All three have spent whatever time necessary by phone, e-mail and newsletter to work with me on the Crossbow 425 conversion to the Pinpoint Inertia GADHARS and the upgrades to my Chelton Screens. Very helpful people.
Wire diagram changes were e-mailed within the hour as requested. Verbal information on the changes were concise. Amy set up the screen upgrade schedule and will have my screens back within 10 days. Information on the GPS antenna were discussed. They covered all the bases. And because they are human.....they also want to see my panel layout! I like these people.

RV9A 942WG (reserved) wiring
RV9A 942PT (reserved) rewiring (For Chelton GADHARS conversion)
I don't particularly care for Alan Adamson's characterization of my posting as "sounds fishy", nor do I care for him implying that there is something untruthful about it. Perhaps he gives his money to companies that give him lousy service, but I do not. The fact that his experience differs from mine does not mean that my description of my experiences is untruthful, and I greatly resent his implication that it does, and I do not appreciate him impugning my integrity.

I also disagree with his condescending opinion that BMA and GRT are not in the same league as Chelton. I don't know about the current Chelton, but at the time I was making these choices, in 2003, the 3 were in the same league, and I chose BMA as my primary EFIS, mainly because I preferred the display and other features. Chelton was ruled out in the decision process because of Kirk Hammersmith's unreliability, period.

All of my experiences with Direct 2, as well as all aspects of building my RV-7A, are extensively documented on my web site, particularly:

If Direct 2 is now providing good customer support and responsiveness, then that's great, and I am happy for their customers. That was not my experience throughout 2003.
Lessons learned.

I agree with you on almost every point, Brian, except my problems were with BMA and I think Chelton is in a different catagory as far as screen quality and price point. I will not rehash the past, but I purchased GRT and would never buy, install or even accept a free BMA system. GRT is a great system, but their documentation is less than spectacular. They are engineers, except Sandy, and with that said, answer questions quickly, solve issues fast, but are not you local car salesman buddy. As I am flying a RV-8 with GRT and building two Vans kits now, I will purchase at least 1 more GRT system, maybe two. I may consider Garmin G1000s for the other, if the customer service is as good as it has been in the past. I have questions about the Chelton due to the AHRS recall, but may consider them if the replacement has no additional issues.

Don't take the other posts too seriously, enjoy the process and go with your intuition on your purchases. Everybody has different expectations, yours sound very similar to mine.

I have followed your project and comments, and I have to point something out.

You sent an RFQ to 25 different Vendors. For what $50K worth of materials?

Many businesses who implement complex solutions simply do not respond to the RFP/RFQ from a new customer. Of course there are exceptions, like DOD, and other large government contracts. But if their first contact is a process, which shows that you regard the shops as replaceable, the product as a comodity, and seem to be basing the decision merely on price....

Well, the high value shops, who charge more because they add expertise, advice, and so forth will not respond. You shouldn't take it personally. You identified yourself as a price buyer, through the process you used. So there is really no insult in the fact that shops which view themselves as offering value did not want to respond.

The other aspect of it is that your RFQ turns them into simply box resellers. Nontheless, if you bcame a customer they would no doubt have to support the configuration YOU chose, and forced them to quote. This puts shops in the position of maximising their support probability, with minimum apparent opportunity to have input in the solution. Again, there are shops that will simply sling you the boxes you ask for, but why be insulted that other shops choose a business model which is incompatible with your buying process?

I remember that when I worked for a very large technology business, we simply could not afford to do business that way. The new customer, who simply wanted a quote on their configuration was always trouble down the road because margins were slim, their design was often flawed, and we had no ongoing relationship. Other customers saw us as a source of expertise and advice, and we designed systems collaboratively. They paid a little more for it.

Chelton has a value added reseller network, but I bet that most of those shops will also not respond to an RFP/RFQ. There are just too many variables, too much opportunity to have to support a sub-optimal configuration later.

The avionics shops you call losers are regarded by the industry as some of the best in the country, turning out well integrated systems with excellent workmanship. Can you imagine ANY way you may have benefitted from a collaborative relationship with one of them?

Personally, my experience has been great with many of the companies you mention, even though I ended up not making the high dollar purchase. I did learn alot from them.