
VAF moderator
Gentlemen, would you please share your personal direct crosswind component limits for the RV-3? Thanks in advance.
Brian Wallis

I don't have a direct answer to your question, but I do find that my -3 causes me the least concern in a crosswind of any plane I have flown. Maybe it is the short wingspan, but it just seems so natural to dip a wing into the wind and get on with the landing. So far, every crosswind landing has been more benign than I would have originally thought by looking at the sock.

Bill Newkirk
Ditto Bill's comments.
At OSH last year we landed 4-ship sections in a direct 90 degree 18-22 kt crosswind, just dip the wing a bit and keep the feet sensitive and ready on the pedals. As you mention, each of us will have different personal limits. I'm good for 20 kts, anything above that and I'd probably look for another airport.