Michael Burbidge

Well Known Member
On page 14-02 of the wing instructions it says:

"Step 3: ...Dimple all holes (except those called out in Figure 5) in the lower flanges of all wing ribs and flap hinge ribs. This includes the single hole in each rib's lower aft tab."

Here it says to dimple the holes in the LOWER flanges. I can't find where I will be dimpling the UPPER flanges. Is there some reason I'm not doing that now?

Off the top of my head and not looking at the plans, I'm pretty sure that is because these are ribs under the wingwalk and those are called out countersinking the skin instead of dimples.
Page 16-02

I finally found where the top flanges are dimpled. Page 16-02. And yes there it says to dimple all top wing ribs except those under the wing walk doublers (W-1027A and W-1027B).
