
Active Member
Guys....there is a sweet sound when you slam the hammer on the c-frame while dimping a skin.....it sounds like progress. There is also a unique sound when the dimpler penetrates aluminum (the hole was not over the die). It sounds like $60.00 going to Vans for a new skin. The upside is I have plenty of scrap aluminum now.
Guys....there is a sweet sound when you slam the hammer on the c-frame while dimping a skin.....it sounds like progress. There is also a unique sound when the dimpler penetrates aluminum (the hole was not over the die). It sounds like $60.00 going to Vans for a new skin. The upside is I have plenty of scrap aluminum now.

Jimmy show the picture of your "lightening" hole. A rivet to nowhere may cover it.

You have plenty of company on this mistake. The best part is that you are able to look on the bright side. The second bright side item is that you probably won't make this mistake again. Just keep plugging away.

It's an additional hole in the VS skin that is about 1/8 inch away from the pre-drilled hole. Don't know how to upload picture. Just imagine a hole in the skin that is about an 1/8 inch away from the pre-drilled hole that attaches to the rib. Kinda looks like a snake bite :)
Make sure you are holding the dimple die down in the hole with one hand while you whack the C-Frame with the hammer with the other hand. It is hard to miss dimple when everything is pre-aligned and in place before the hammer hits.

I would build on and fill it later. If it really bugs you 4 or 5 years later when you mount the tail on for good, then you can always quickly build another. It is amazing how your quality standards will change over the life of the build.