
Well Known Member
Is is possible to dimple the rudder skins and stiffeners together or necessary to do separately? Also should you dimple the entire rudder skin before fitting the spar? The plans only mention dimpling the skins.

Dimple the skin where the stiffeners are attached. do not dimple where it is attached to the spar untill all is drilled and the spar is counter sunk.
Is is possible to dimple the rudder skins and stiffeners together or necessary to do separately? Also should you dimple the entire rudder skin before fitting the spar? The plans only mention dimpling the skins.

Gregg is right on - at first you only dimple the holes where the stiffeners attach - you only dimple the holes you have match drilled. If you dimple holes that are not drilled to the proper size, you risk cracking the holes.

I would dimple separately - you'll probably get a cleaner dimple.