
Well, I am back with more stupid questions :mad: ? Dinmpling the HS ribs...

The tool kit I got had a C-frame and pop-rivet dies for dimpling. I find both to work NOT so well dimpling the rib flanges. The C-frame does not hit the holes square as the far flange interfers, and the pop-rivet tool, after 3 to 4 holes, deforms the nail, and then snaps it off.

Is there something that I am missing in using seemingly simple tools, or do I need another special tool for dimpling flanges?

Many thanks,
You'd want to use the rivet squeezer (either manual or pneumatic) for dimpling rib flanges.
At various points you will need to have ground off a slight portion of your female dimple die--just enough to not mark up the adjacent surface. Van's notes this in the instructions the first time you have to do it (at least on the 9). Regarding the pop dimple dies--if you're breaking the nails you are probably squeezing too hard. The copper mandrels will break pretty easy but the nails shouldn't. One other suggestion--for the aftmost holes in the ribs, just bend the flanges out enough to get the pop rivet in then bend it back when you are done. Hope this helps.
True... true...

...and another undeniable plug for Paul Merems' DRDT dimpling tool!


It is the greatest thing since sliced bread! I made this one from Paul's plans. All it cost was about $130 when you build it yourself!

After showing Wyatt how to do one, he completed the rest of the wing nose ribs! These Aussie dogs are WICKED SMAHT!


See Paul's site, Experimental Aero for details. You will be pleased!

;) CJ

Oh, man? That was a stupid question, but I will blame all the food and deserts I had over the last few days... :D

That DRDT looks great, I like how the base slants back so the flange can be square to dies. When enough frustration builds, or more food is consumed :) , I will get one!

I had the rivet squeezer less than a foot from the flanges, but I did not connect the dots. Hand Squeezer it will be for now. I will defiantly grind some of the female die.

Many thanks to all,

Wyatt dimpled the nose ribs with the DRDT2! Ain't that a pissah!

That's wicked funny John. Yessah, wicked funny.

You coming to visit this week?


Ummm Yah! Sum good!

I am gonna line out a plane for a few days this week. Looks like Wednesday is the pick o' the week! Gimme a call!

;) CJ
Border Collie's are good luck for RV builders

Captian John,

I just noticed your photo of the DRDT-1 with your dog. I stared and stared at the photo for some time. A DRDT-1 on a red "project center" and Border Collie. I started thinking, when did I take this picture? I recall taking pictures of the the prototype DRDT-1 but I don't recall seeing my dog in any of the photos.

You see I too have a Border Collie (with a little springer spaniel in him) and he looks almost identical to your dog. My dog "Buddy" is always in my shop with me, or laying outside my shop guarding from unwanted intruders (birds, rabbits, snakes). I showed your photo to my family and they thought it was taken in my shop with our dog. When I told them it wasn't they were shocked.

Maybe Border Collie's are good luck for RV builders.