
Active Member
Well, I thought I was doing well, getting through the VS and HS without any major missteps. However, today was a totally different kind of day. For some reason, I must have started thinking that the dimpler was a hole puncher!! Not once, but twice did I slip and double dimple my Rudder skins. Now I'm not sure what to do and I am hoping that some of you out there may have the answers to my dilemmas.

First of all, when I was dimpling the rudder spar attachment holes on the lower end of one skin, I slipped and the dimpler put another hole and dimple about 1.5-2.0 diameters forward of the spar attach hole. I'm not too worried about the structural aspects of this hole because it is just in the leading edge portion of the skin, but I am worried about how to hide it. What can I do? Fill it with a rivet after I roll the skins? Fill it with Proseal and paint over it? Any ideas?


My second issue is what I think I've heard referred to as a figure eight dimple. See the picture below. This happened in about the center hole of the 4th (from the bottom) stiffener hole. How can I fix this? Or do I need to order a new skin?


Oh, and this is my first time trying to post pictures, so I hope it works. If it doesn't I'll try something else. In advance, thank all of you for your help.
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Welcome to the extra hole club! I challenge you to find an RV out there that doesn't have at least one extra "dimple" hole and one figure 8 hole. This is not a big deal. The extra hole can be filled in and painted over later. As for the figure 8, just clean it up as best you can and dimple, and maybe put another rivet in next to it to make up the strength.

If anyone asks, just say that they are additional lightening holes.
<<< Sorry... This post can be deleted. Unrelated PC problem I guess. -k >>>
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time to go to bed

When this happened to me it indicated time to go to bed. Dont worry about it, all part of that education and recreation clause in the experimental class.
Welcome to the club

When this happened to me, some wise guy on this forum (Jeff Point?) ;) told me if anyone notices it when the plane is completed to ask them words to the effect, "Didn't you get the emergency AD to do this to your plane?" Plug on...
Plug it with a rivet

Plug it with a rivet, like I did...once...ok, maybe twice...but not more than three times...I think.
I did the same thing, punching an extra hole. I used two flush sets on my squeezer to flatten it out, then drilled it and deburred. Hopefully it will live it's live undetected.
after you fix it

after you drill it out and put a rivet in it or use the flat inserts for your dimpler or after you drill it out and fill one but you will know after it is painted.

If it is not 2 holes connected together, I would drill it, dimple it, and rivet it.
Thanks for the support

Well, I appreciate all of your support. Based on all of your suggestions, this is what I decided to do on the Figure-8 hole:

I decided to add rivets on either side of the bad hole. When I tried to cleco the stiffener to the skin, I realized the dimple on the Figure-8 hole was mangled and wouldn't allow the skin to lay flush against the stiffener. So, then I flattened out the bad dimple and drilled it out a little larger (because there was a tear at the edge of the hole that would have developed into a crack in no time, I believe). I now plan on putting rivets in all of the holes, except for the bad hole. I will leave it empty, but I will put some proseal between the skin and stiffener in that area before I rivet. Then I will fill it later before paint.

Thanks again for all the help. I'm glad to know I'm not alone.
Dang Pictures

It looks like I joined 3 of the most infamous VAF clubs all in one day:

"The Figure-8 Hole Club"
"The Extra Dimpled Hole Club"


"The Can't Post A Picture Correctly Club"

I thought I was doing it right. I read all of the picture posting threads before hand, but I guess I still messed it up. I put the