
Well Known Member
This is probably a dumb question, butt....

After match drilling the hinge and the shim on 29-08, I assume that the firewall flange needs to be dimpled?

Where in the plans does it call that out? I have looked but can't find it
This is probably a dumb question, butt....

After match drilling the hinge and the shim on 29-08, I assume that the firewall flange needs to be dimpled?

Where in the plans does it call that out? I have looked but can't find it

It doesn't - I asked Vans this exact question several weeks ago because it states earlier specifically NOT to dimple the side flanges. However, I was told that after you do the match drilling it's time to dimple the side flanges so you can rivet the flanges and shims and hinges together. Hopefully they will revise this section.
very weird that this would be missed with the last revision this year. I am sure that they must have had this call numerous times. Time to uncle the side skin and dimple.

Which is what I thought I would have to do.

At least I have not clecoed on both sides.

I hit that spot, scratched my head, and figured it just had to be done.... The plans are so exacting I worried that I was going to regret it, but so far so good. There are a couple rivets for the baggage area in the same vein can't remember exactly but I asked here a while back.
firewall flange dimple

Thanks guys for posting this. Arrived at this section of plan and did the head scratch too. (First I thought I screwed up though)!
Don't recall where/if in plans the firewall flanges get dimpled, but it's important not to do it until after match drilling the cowling hinges and shims.... (And after that I don't think it really matters when you dimple them, just don't do it BEFORE the match drilling)