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And, welcome! You are officially a builder now! :)
Me too

Cant see the picture, but I have an extra hole in the right HS also. Close enough to the fiberglass tip that I'll just glass over it.

Like others will say, welcome to the club.
Look at the pics.

I managed a link to my pics. The pliers you see first, I made and works well for dimpling. The nest pics are from the dimpling error. All your responses are greatly appreciatted

I believe this happened when I tried to dimple a hole that was not drilled to #40 size using the C frame.

Do I need a new skin?

This is on one of the side edges of the right HS

What is a possible fix?

Help Please
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I did the same thing with the C-frame and bought a new skin. They really didn't cost that much and I didn't want a hole in the middle of my skin.

In other words, check with Van's.
Which edge?

Inside edge?

If so, it's covered by the fin/horizontal fairing.

Install the next size up rivet, and put two good ones on each side of it...

gil A
Missed dimple

Been there done that! I put my skin together and left out that rivet. Then I got some JB weld and put some in the hole and covered that area that I punched out. Once it set up I shaped it and re-countersunk the hole with a countersink and then popped riveted it back together. Then I fill in the pop rivet hole and it looked OK. This was better than buying a new skin. New skins are not that cheap anymore and shipping just one skin is going to be as much as the skin itself.