
Well Known Member
I got in a dimpling fury and was dimpling everything in sight for my elevator. Then I realized I hadn't broke the TEs of any of the skins. The step isn't in the plans for the skins but is for the trim tab. It is my own fault for not remembering to seam before dimpling and I assume they still need to be seamed. Any ideas on how to proceed?


I've got a couple of seams on my wings that I did not break (did the same thing you did). Honestly those look better than the others. I've seen comments here from people that don't do it at all. I wouldn't worry about it and I may not do anymore on the plane.
Update here. Mike at Cleaveland Tool was extremely helpful and put together a lower roller on the lathe at his shop. He shipped this new roller for my existing seamer and it worked great.

For K.C.

I probably wouldn't have worried about it as much with a thicker skin but with the .016 on the elevators I was a little more hesitant. All in all for the few bucks I spent on the personalized service I think it was money well spent.

Update here. Mike at Cleaveland Tool was extremely helpful and put together a lower roller on the lathe at his shop. He shipped this new roller for my existing seamer and it worked great.

For K.C.

I probably wouldn't have worried about it as much with a thicker skin but with the .016 on the elevators I was a little more hesitant. All in all for the few bucks I spent on the personalized service I think it was money well spent.


Do you have pics of the new roller?


Sorry for crappy quality.
