John C

Well Known Member
What is the overall length of each wing, tip to end of carrythrough? Chord? Depth at spar? Also, does anyone have a distance between the main gears? Any longitudinal distances? Thanks. John.
My gear (tires attached) was about 6 ft 11.5 inches from the outside-to-outside of the top of the tires - with just the fuselage and engine mounted (i.e. the dimension needed for loading on a trailer, no wings attached, low weight not spreading the gear.) I can get wing dimensions tomorrow.
The big drawing (D-sized, "Drawing 1" dated 4-22-09) that came with the kit is to scale.
It has several marked dimensions.
Here are some approx dimensions measured from my wings.
Wing 139 inches from tip at the handhold to the beginning of where the spar extends into the fuselage. The tip light adds another 1.75 inch.
The spar extension is about 43 inches - flat along the top of the wing.
The fuselage is 43.5 inches wide where the spars go into the slots.
The height of the spar at the wing root is about 7.5 inches.
Chord is about 56.5 inches including the flaperon.
From that Drawing 1,
Wingspan is 26 feet 9 and 1/8 inches.
Height is 8 feet 3 and 3/4 inches
Length is 26 feet, 5 and 2/3 inches (spinner to back of stabilator.)
The length number on that drawing is either bogus, or my garage has grown by about 6 feet. The length is closer to about 20 feet plus some change--just enough that I probably can't quite put the spinner/pitot tube on in my garage.
Length dimension...

Drawing my own dimensions on the AutoCAD dwg file, I see 19'-9 3/4" from the tip of the spinner to the rear of the tailcone fairing and 20'-5 1/2" to the rear edge of the installed stabilator. The pitot tube is not shown so one would have to add about 1" for that.

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John, my wings are laying on the floor so they're easy to measure...

Measuring from the wing tip along the main spar to the end of the carry through, the overall length is 182". From the wing tip to the wing root where the skin meets the fuse, is 139". And the wing width looks to be 57" from the leading edge to the trailing edge.

Not on-gear yet, so can't be much help there.
Well, my DRAWING 1 from Vans obviously has a BIG typo on it. That overall length ON THE DRAWING I mentioned earlier is incorrectly listed as 26 feet, 5 and 2/3 inches (spinner to back of stabilator.)
The stabilator goes on several inches to the back of the tailcone fairing.
The real overall distance is about 20 feet 7 inches (quick measurement - close to Tony's).
Van's website lists it as 19 feet 11 inches but I do not think that is right either.