So, I am already preparing myself for the onslaught that I am about to start, but I find myself in a tough spot. So far, for the past two months I have been planning on starting my rv build very soon. I have been working out the particulars as to where I am going to be building, planning everything out the best I can to budget the known expenses, etc. And, up to this point I have been planning on building the -4, mainly for the aesthetics... dont really know why, i just like the way the nose looks with the blisters... But after a lot of reading here and other places and today I am in a bit of a dilemma.
As I was finishing up today at work, there was a -4 or -8 doing touch and gos and very low, slow speed passes down the runway next to the hanger... wish I knew who it was... and it got me to thinking if the tandem is really the way to go.I see no real tangable difference (besides the seating arrangements) in a -7 or -8
I have been through all of the questions to myself... tandem or side by side, so, I am putting the question to you. Why did you choose what you did? Room? Comfort? aesthetics?
Side by Side

It is nice to look in that special persons eyes or hold hands. If it happens to be someone that you are giving a little flying info to, you are together and you can see the same things. If you have a child you can see the sparkle when you let them take the stick for the first time. If your passenger is a little uncomfortable then you are close and it may offer a little comfort. By yourself having that seat to put your maps or other things is nice as well.
Size matters

There are good arguments for both configurations. I chose the -8 because I am 6'3" and my favorite co-conspiritor is a very tall (6'0") young lady. The legroom in the tandem is much better. We "tried on" both options at OSH and the -8 was the clear winner. Besides, it looks very cool. ;)

John Clark
RV-8 N18U
Flying 200hrs!
I agree with Bill totally. If you plan on flying with that special significant other, the joy of sitting next to them and enjoying the same sights together cannot be beat.....Holding hands etc...
If you were just going for speed and most of the time by yourself the tandem probably works better.
I had a guy that partnered with me in the RV class and he was going to go for the tandem and we talked about his significant other and I think he changed his mind after rethinking about that.
Good luck whichever way you go,
Jim King
Roll your own

It all boils down to what you'll do most. Are you a loner type that will mostly fly solo or do you have a significant other who likes to fly with you? What does she think? Mine says that she has to be by my side. Other ladies say it makes no difference and some prefer the room and better view from the rear seat like Kahuna's wife, Michelle.

I happen to like my passenger next to me when I have one. I also give flight instruction and transition training so I needed the side-by-side airplane. That said, I still yearn for a -4 because it's just plain sexy and is second in looks only to the P-51 IMHO. ;) I do believe that a -4 is in my future. Two RV's? You bet. :D In fact, I'm looking at two right now. :)


I learned to fly in tandem aircraft and I really like the elbow room as well as the leg room. I flew a Cessna 140 with a 240 lb guy once and we were litterally pushing each other out the door. Talking with someone was a problem in the old days, but with stereo headsets and intercoms today it's as comfy as being in yur livingroom.

Weather is also a factor. If you live where it's warm, two bubbas in the front wearing shorts is rather uncomfortable, unless you're into sweaty, hairy legs. :)

That said, getting heat to the back seat on the tandem has proven a challenge for many builders.
plane_tech said:
Why did you choose what you did? Room? Comfort? aesthetics?

That's a MUCH easier question than asking what YOU should do!! ;)

I've been flying for long enough to know my own patterns - and 99% of the time, I do my personal flying alone. When I started the project, I was married to a woman who thought flying in anything other than an airliner was stupid and to be avoided....(no, don't ask how I got involved in least my bad judgment wasn't made in the air!)...

Given that I was building the airplane for my own needs, it was a no-brainier. The rear seat is comfy for the occasional passenger, and meanwhile, I enjoy flying a Walter Mitty fighter, sitting on the centerline, where God and Orville Wright intended.... :p

YMMV of course,

SBS for me

I really enjoy centerline flying, but decided on the SBS early on. Even if most of my time were solo, I really cherish those times I give a Young Eagle or even someone older their First Flight. To me, being able to watch them experience those times is priceless. I know my wife will like the SBS better, and that is also part of the decision making process. Also, instruction is easier given or understood in a SBS (IMHO.) I have been getting some training in a Cub (my tailwheel work was pretty rusty) and communication is more difficult, even with a good intercom. That said, there is no right or wrong answer here. Pick a number, any number--you can't lose!

Bob Kelly
Ironflight said:
That's a MUCH easier question than asking what YOU should do!! ;)

I've been flying for long enough to know my own patterns - and 99% of the time, I do my personal flying alone. When I started the project, I was married to a woman who thought flying in anything other than an airliner was stupid and to be avoided....(no, don't ask how I got involved in least my bad judgment wasn't made in the air!)...

Given that I was building the airplane for my own needs, it was a no-brainier. The rear seat is comfy for the occasional passenger, and meanwhile, I enjoy flying a Walter Mitty fighter, sitting on the centerline, where God and Orville Wright intended.... :p

YMMV of course,


I decided on side by side out of consideration of my wife. It turns out she is very susceptible to motion sickness and has to be so drugged up to fly, it is no fun. End result, most of my flying is solo which is just fine with me.

If I had to do it again, it would be an 8. There's nothing like sitting in the middle of an airplane.

I've considered moving my 7A seat about 12 inches right to center line but it would be tricky with the rudders. :)
My wife and I have a Cardinal we have flown for the past 15 years, that gives us plenty of room with side by side seating. We are going to start building -8 (a)?. After long debates She is the one that wants the Tandam. She looked at one and enjoys the fact that she will have her own area and not have to handle the maps. She loves to fly every where I go and with the intercom we will still be able to talk back and forth easy enough. When she falls asleep as she often does on long cross crountrys she will have more room. Or big argument now is what end do we put that third wheel.. she wants a nose gear, I want a tail dragger. We will cross that bridge later. Now it is getting the tools and work shop ready for the tail feathers.

You and your wife will just need to go look at both and make that decision for what is best for yall.
Out of the box thinking

Build a -3. No need to think where a passenger goes.

Build a -10. Passenger can sit SBS, tandem, or even diagonaly.

Happy new year to all.

plane_tech said:
Why did you choose what you did? Room? Comfort? aesthetics?

I started building my RV-4 for the exact reason you give. It looks GREAT! It flies even better. It is in my opinion the best looking and best performing of the RV fleet except for MAYBE the RV-3.

That being said, I am now building an RV-7 for many of the reasons already given. I want to be able to keep stuff beside me on the seat. I want to be able to see my passenger. I want more luggage capacity. etc etc etc.

Just look closely at your mission. If you want a good weekend sport flyer with the occaisional cross country mission, then the RV-4 is good. Lot's of cross country but really want that tandem seating, go with the RV-8. If you're planning on lots of cross country, I'd advise sacrifice the sexy cheek cowls of the RV-4 for the space and carrying capacity of the RV-7 or 10 if you can afford it.
I prefer flying with a passenger, I like the side by side; my wife likes the side by side, but..........

We both like North American P-51's with invasion stripes! I have a pic as my monitor's background, from this forum, of two "Eight's" sitting on the runway in Mustang color schemes.

Now she'd like my 6A in invasion stripes but I don't think the nose gear would look right! :D

If we were rich and had the time, and we could do it over; the wife would actually go for the "eight", just for a P-51 look!

L.Adamson -- I like right hand joystick too...
so, as I thought, the number of reasons to go either way are about as numerous as the number of members on this forum. But after reading all of your comments, which I would like to thank you for, I am seeing more and more reason to build the -7 first. I can always build the -8 or the -4 next or the -3... as i have no significant other at this point. and the -4 is just one beautiful looking aircraft, on the ground or in the air... it just looks right. But the room in the -7 would be nice to have for the long cross countries that I can see myself doing... this holiday season reminded me as to why I am getting my pilots license....i have just about had it with commerical flights... no offence to all of the commerical pilots out there... you guys do a great job... the tsa and the counter reps on the other hand...

Guys: (And Gals)

When I called Van's one time for a question when I was building my empenage, I asked; nose wheel or tail wheel? Tom (I think it was) replied:
What do YOU want to see when YOU open the hangar door??????

Nuff said.

Mannan Thomason
RV-8 N161RL
(Tail Wheel of course!)
sexy looks.

I chose my 4 purely on looks. My brother is about to start flying his 7-A that I helped build, but I can't wait to fly the 4 and it looks great even on the ground. Enjoy whatever you chose.