Steve A

Well Known Member
Well tonight the college football season "kicks off" with LSU vs Miss State. I am at a critical stage in my building process. I almost have it all painted and the DAR is waiting patiently to finish my paperwork. But I love watching football. My question... go cold turkey or just watch the "quality games". Each game I watch, that is putting off flying for another day. I can't stand it.

I heard of one builder how ran cable and a tv to the garage. "And the kick is up, up and with no time left on the clock, the kick is good"... as I drill the palm of my hand.

I guess it is a matter of pirorities. Family, Work, Plane, Football. Yeah that's the ticket. Did I say I painted my plane the same colors as the local college football team colors. But that was just a coincidence.

Like I tell my wife, I am addicted to building and completing this plane this year. I have been addicted to other things and survived. What does not kill us, makes us stronger.
Life is tough! :D

I really enjoy building with a game of some sort on in the background. The US Open tennis tournament is on for the next week and a half and I will get a chance to work on the plane some over the long holiday. Oh, happy days! And, yes, you do have to be careful using power tools when Maria Sharapova is playing.

Baseball season is good since there is usually a game on every night. I have to say though, last weekend I left the garage and sat down in the living room in front of the TV to watch the little league world series. And, with the home town guys winning the way they did, it was worth the time away from the plane.
Steve A said:
My question... go cold turkey or just watch the "quality games". Each game I watch, that is putting off flying for another day. I can't stand it.
Ah, lucky for me, then, that the Big-10 is so greedy that they've driven me to boycott their semi-pro teams this season with their ridiculous insistence that every cable customer in the central Ohio area pony up $1.10/month whether they care about or watch Big-10 sports or not. Oh wait, I'm not building a plane. Oh well, I'll mow instead.

For you, though, it's a tough question. I suggest a TiVO. At least you can fast forward through the commercials and lengthy instant replay reviews.
Should be able to do both.

I also have TV in the shop. I have Direct TV running out from the house to the shop. It works well for me but I know some who have a hard time concentrating with such a distraction. One of the things I like about Direct TV is the music channels from XM they broadcast. When there is nothing worth tuning into on the TV I can turn to a music channel and listen to music while working.

Football season is a good time to have the TV in the shop as I can tune into the ballgames and not lose time just sitting on the couch mindlessly watching the ballgame. The truth is not every moment of a ball game is gripping enough to keep you glued to the TV. Even in the house I find myself picking up a magazine or something in between plays. So it works well for me in the shop.

One last thought, depending on where you live you shouldn't even need a cable connection to get good reception of the major networks. Most TV's get good reception of the local channels with just rabbit ears. Since most of the big games I want to watch are on the major networks I can just use the rabbit ears to pick up the local channel broadcast so no cables are required for just watching football. It might be different where you live but I really think that if you live within a 50 to 100 mile radius of the local TV station tower you should get good reception this way.

Good luck getting things finalized. I hope to be there someday too.
Once the NFL playoffs started the first year into my build, I quickly realized that progress was going to stop if there wasn't a TV in the garage. I haven't hurt myself while watching yet, but then I also don't build during Bears games. Go Bears!!!

I don't have to worry so much about college games. If the Illini do anything right, I'm happy!
Hmmm. Div I college football for those of us who went to Div III schools ... Who to root for? Let's use the generic checklist (check all that apply):


__ The
__ University of
__ Central
__ State
__ Tech / A&M
__ University

! :D

Why not TiVO the game and watch it when you need a break from riveting? No commercials....

Dgamble said:
Ah, lucky for me, then, that the Big-10 is so greedy that they've driven me to boycott their semi-pro teams this season with their ridiculous insistence that every cable customer in the central Ohio area pony up $1.10/month whether they care about or watch Big-10 sports or not. Oh wait, I'm not building a plane. Oh well, I'll mow instead.

For you, though, it's a tough question. I suggest a TiVO. At least you can fast forward through the commercials and lengthy instant replay reviews.

Terrible, I know, but watching Ohio State is still worth it :D ;)
A TV in the shop is a must have in my book. Sports, news, the discovery channel, music -- pretty much any noise to help drown out the compressor. Besides, how else would I see PSU beat OSU?!?! :D ;)
RV7Factory said:
A TV in the shop is a must have in my book. Sports, news, the discovery channel, music -- pretty much any noise to help drown out the compressor. Besides, how else would I see PSU beat OSU?!?! :D ;)

Ouch...very ouch!! :eek:
life goes on w or w/o RV

watch football, watch Maria Sharapova and Rogers Federer at the US Open, watch Tiger Woods play golf, go sailing, go to a movie, go for a walk with your wife/spouse/significant other...
you lived your life w/o the RV before
the RV project will always be there patiently waiting for you it never complains
remember the days before you committed to build..did you not promise yourself to conduct normal life activities while building !!!!
You'll be happier for it
I know I am

RV6A completed - sold
RV10 completed - 80 hrs
what is football?

Is it that strange sport with an even stranger ball (not even round...)? :rolleyes:
I sure know what I would do.....
If you were talking about a soccer world championship, then maybe....
Gary Bricker said:
Watch Nascar or NHRA on Speed late at night and get the RV finished.
Get up at 7am to watch Formula One live on Sunday and drive rivets (lessee ... the CT and a F1 car are both made from carbon fiber and weight 1,320 "full up" weight, but the CT has 13.2 lb/hp, and a F1 car is about 1.7. Yep, the CT will be slower ;) )
Geo said:
Is it that strange sport with an even stranger ball (not even round...)? :rolleyes:
I sure know what I would do.....
If you were talking about a soccer world championship, then maybe....
Football is that thing where it takes 4 hours to play a 1 hour game. After every play they have to stop and figure out what happened. When it takes longer to figure out what happened than it does to play the game, something is wrong.
Besides, with all the money involved nowadays, it's a business, not a game!
Mel said:
with all the money involved nowadays, it's a business, not a game!
Ah, yes, this takes me back to why I'm boycotting Big-10 football. Thanks, Mel, boycott restored!
Mel said:
Besides, with all the money involved nowadays, it's a business, not a game!
That's my biggest complaint about "sports". When you start tweaking the game to improve the fan base, it's not about competition anymore.
Mel said:
Football is that thing where it takes 4 hours to play a 1 hour game. After every play they have to stop and figure out what happened. When it takes longer to figure out what happened than it does to play the game, something is wrong.
Besides, with all the money involved nowadays, it's a business, not a game!
True, very sad how much the college games have become about $$ and sponsorship. However, as far as TV is concerned, get TiVO (or some other kind of DVR). I watch most of my weekly TV while I'm on the treadmill (4-5 hours/wk). I find that an "hour" of TV takes about 40 minutes with TiVO.

How about every football game you guys watch, you paypal me $1000 so I can STOP watching TV and afford a wing kit?
Big-10 is not making any friends...

Dgamble said:
Ah, yes, this takes me back to why I'm boycotting Big-10 football. Thanks, Mel, boycott restored!

I feel the same. I'm currently finishing the basement, which I designed expressly for watching sports (namely, OSU sports), and now this Big 10 vs the cable companies quaggmire have my best laid plans "Gang aft a-gley".

Time warner is not giving in (understandably), which means I have to find a good sports bar to frequent this season. :(

Geez, I wish Vans would hurry up with the RV-12, if i was building, I wouldn't mind missing the Buckeyes. :cool: