
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

I'm in the process of modernizing my RV-4 and have ripped out all vacuum and engine instruments and replaced them all with the new MGL Xtreme EFIS/EMS .

Everything seems to be functioning but I'm curious about my RPM indications .

There seems to be a lag in indications , most noticably on start up and shut down . I don't get any RPM indications for 2-3 s on start up and the RPM's show the idle RPM for a few seconds after shut down . Mag checks are also less responsive .

Is this life with a glass tach or is there something wrong with my setup ?

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated !

I'm sure there a bunch of you using EMS's from Dynon , GRT , MGL , etc...

Could I get a pirep on how responsive your RPM indications are ? Is there any perceived lag ? More at low RPM's VS higher . I've never flown behind glass in a piston plane so don't know if what I'm experiencing is normal.

What you're describing doesn't sound right.. I've never seen it on any other system (GRT, Dynon, etc..)
MGL Tach

I have a MGL tach in my Ercoupe. I never notice a lag during startup or when I shut the engine done, but then I don't know if I've ever checked. I have noticed a lag in my run-up, doing a mag check. When I put it on one mag , either left or right it takes a few seconds to adjust.
Russel Koch
Working on everything.

finishing, panel and controls
High Frequency/Low Frequency

I have a MGL Infinity Single (small 2 1/4 engine monitor). I had the same issue with the MGL engine monitor. If memory serves me correct there is a low frequency and a high frequency setting for RPM. When I switched it to the right one (don't remember which one) the lag in RPM went away. I would bet your MGL EFIS has the same setting.
Dynon and P-Mag

I have the small Dynon EIS connected to a P-Mag. Works perfectly, no lags whatsoever.
I have an Enigma, and I do have a lag. Hadn't heard about the low/high setting...will check on that, but it's normal with the RDAC-X unit from what I know. Not a big deal, and I'm used to it now, so I don't even really notice it...I will check on the low/high tho!:cool:
My GRT EIS has a small lag in RPM and even a bigger lag in MP. I have been told that this is due to filtering that is built-in in the EIS as otherwise it will be too eratic. The RPM lag is very little but consistant at all RPM (high or low)

I suspect most digital engine monitor have some sort of filtering.

Hope this helps
Hi Guys,

I also posted on the MGL Forum and was told by Rainier that all the processing is done in the RDAC and there will be more lag with my 1 pulse per rev sender than a set up with a higher frequency .

The high/low setting is for the Infinity singles unit that does not use the RDAC interface .

I'm glad to hear from some MGL users that it's normal . Not ideal but normal !

I have one mag and one electronic ignition. Since my electronic ignition doesn't put out a 10v pulse, I only derive RPM from my mag for my Dynon EFIS.

When I do my runup mag check and turn of the real "mag," rpm goes to zero with about a 1/2 second lag (but no intermediate reading, or ramp-down - just says 1800 then zero). Likewise when I turn the mag back on there is about a 1/2 second delay. This makes absolute sense, since what they are doing is "averaging" counted pulses over a period of time.

Other than that, the lag is not noticeable in flight.