
Well Known Member
Anyone know if Van's will email you a copy of the plans instead of mailing a USB?

I just bought a copy of the RV14 plans, but I really don't care about getting a physical USB, and unless they are like 25GB or something it kinda seems unnecessary.
Look on Van's website

Most, but not all of the plans are available on Van's website under SUPPORT/SERVICE INFORMATION AND REVISIONS. The plans sections there are ones that have had revisions and are complete sections
I'm showing around 190 mb on my hard drive for the contents of the thumb drive. That includes some general RV stuff as well as the actual plans.

Van's can't email out the entire set of digital plans. The file sizes would crush the server.

Many of the sections can be found on the website under Support/ Safety & Service Info. Select your model of airplane. Then go to the bottom of the page. The updated manual sections will be there. For the 14, quite a number of sections are there.

Edit: Looks like Jeff got to the answer before I did!
Anyone know if Van's will email you a copy of the plans instead of mailing a USB?

I just bought a copy of the RV14 plans, but I really don't care about getting a physical USB, and unless they are like 25GB or something it kinda seems unnecessary.

We're working on digital plans delivery, just not quite there yet. We will be releasing a new web store, and after that release the possibility of electronic delivery becomes a little more realistic. So, USB sticks in the mail for now - but we're working on it.
Santos: Those digital plans/drawings is a big help when you start building, use the USB and copy to your computer or laptop. You can zoom into each drawing when even the big drawings maybe hard to see. Sometimes you need several drawings to do one thing and moving from one to another is a lot faster on a computer. When I work on something and have to look several times at the drawings i use my laptop near by. Take the USB drive
I got my USB yesterday and combined all the files into one giant PDF so I could start reading through them.

When I start building I think I might just mount a TV above the workbench so I can pull up the digital copy and have them on a bigger display.
When I start building I think I might just mount a TV above the workbench so I can pull up the digital copy and have them on a bigger display.

I?ve got such a setup in the airplane factory and it?s very convenient. Sometimes I full screen the plan?s and sometimes I put them side by side with other?s build logs!